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Constant Reference

Written by: Alian713

1. Read/Write

1.1. cOffsetString

Value: int 0

Used with the xsOffsetFilePosition. Makes the offset function move the file position by the number of bytes it takes to store a string (4 bytes + a number of bytes that is determined by the integer that the first 4 bytes represent)

1.2. cOffsetInteger

Value: int 1

Used with the xsOffsetFilePosition. Makes the offset function move the file position by the number of bytes it takes to store an integer (4 bytes)

1.3. cOffsetFloat

Value: int 2

Used with the xsOffsetFilePosition. Makes the offset function move the file position by the number of bytes it takes to store a float (4 bytes)

1.4. cOffsetVector

Value: int 3

Used with the xsOffsetFilePosition. Makes the offset function move the file position by the number of bytes it takes to store a vector (12 bytes)

2. Age

2.1. cDarkAge

Value: int 0

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Dark Age

2.2. cFeudalAge

Value: int 1

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Feudal Age

2.3. cCastleAge

Value: int 2

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Castle Age

2.4. cImperialAge

Value: int 3

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Imperial Age

2.5. cStoneAge

Value: int 0

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Dark Age

2.6. cToolAge

Value: int 1

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Feudal Age

2.7. cBronzeAge

Value: int 2

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Castle Age

2.8. cIronAge

Value: int 3

Value of the Current Age resource when a player is in the Imperial Age

3. Value

3.1. cActivationTime

Value: int None

This value is only defined inside the body of a rule. It holds the time of initial activation of that rule

3.2. cOriginVector

Value: vector (0, 0, 0)

The Origin Vector

3.3. cInvalidVector

Value: vector (-1, -1, -1)

The Invalid Vector

4. Victory Conditions

4.1. cStandardVictory

Value: int 100

one of the values returned by the xsGetVictoryCondition[ForSecondaryGameMode] functions

4.2. cWonderVictory

Value: int 101

one of the values returned by the xsGetVictoryCondition[ForSecondaryGameMode] functions

4.3. cRelicVictory

Value: int 102

one of the values returned by the xsGetVictoryCondition[ForSecondaryGameMode] functions

4.4. cKingOfTheHillVictory

Value: int 103

one of the values returned by the xsGetVictoryCondition[ForSecondaryGameMode] functions

5. Civs

5.1. cGaia

Value: int 0

This is the civilization ID of Gaia

5.2. cBritons

Value: int 1

This is the civilization ID of Britons

5.3. cFranks

Value: int 2

This is the civilization ID of Franks

5.4. cGoths

Value: int 3

This is the civilization ID of Goths

5.5. cTeutons

Value: int 4

This is the civilization ID of Teutons

5.6. cJapanese

Value: int 5

This is the civilization ID of Japanese

5.7. cChinese

Value: int 6

This is the civilization ID of Chinese

5.8. cByzantines

Value: int 7

This is the civilization ID of Byzantines

5.9. cPersians

Value: int 8

This is the civilization ID of Persians

5.10. cSaracens

Value: int 9

This is the civilization ID of Saracens

5.11. cTurks

Value: int 10

This is the civilization ID of Turks

5.12. cVikings

Value: int 11

This is the civilization ID of Vikings

5.13. cMongols

Value: int 12

This is the civilization ID of Mongols

5.14. cCelts

Value: int 13

This is the civilization ID of Celts

5.15. cSpanish

Value: int 14

This is the civilization ID of Spanish

5.16. cAztecs

Value: int 15

This is the civilization ID of Aztecs

5.17. cMayans

Value: int 16

This is the civilization ID of Mayans

5.18. cHuns

Value: int 17

This is the civilization ID of Huns

5.19. cKoreans

Value: int 18

This is the civilization ID of Koreans

5.20. cItalians

Value: int 19

This is the civilization ID of Italians

5.21. cIndians

Value: int 20

This is the civilization ID of Indians

5.22. cIncas

Value: int 21

This is the civilization ID of Incas

5.23. cMagyars

Value: int 22

This is the civilization ID of Magyars

5.24. cSlavs

Value: int 23

This is the civilization ID of Slavs

5.25. cPortuguese

Value: int 24

This is the civilization ID of Portuguese

5.26. cEthiopians

Value: int 25

This is the civilization ID of Ethiopians

5.27. cMalians

Value: int 26

This is the civilization ID of Malians

5.28. cBerbers

Value: int 27

This is the civilization ID of Berbers

5.29. cKhmer

Value: int 28

This is the civilization ID of Khmer

5.30. cMalay

Value: int 29

This is the civilization ID of Malay

5.31. cBurmese

Value: int 30

This is the civilization ID of Burmese

5.32. cVietnamese

Value: int 31

This is the civilization ID of Vietnamese

5.33. cBulgarians

Value: int 32

This is the civilization ID of Bulgarians

5.34. cTatars

Value: int 33

This is the civilization ID of Tatars

5.35. cCumans

Value: int 34

This is the civilization ID of Cumans

5.36. cLithuanians

Value: int 35

This is the civilization ID of Lithuanians

5.37. cBurgundians

Value: int 36

This is the civilization ID of Burgundians

5.38. cSicilians

Value: int 37

This is the civilization ID of Sicilians

5.39. cPoles

Value: int 38

This is the civilization ID of Poles

5.40. cBohemians

Value: int 39

This is the civilization ID of Bohemians

5.41. cDravidians

Value: int 40

This is the civilization ID of Dravidians

5.42. cBengalis

Value: int 41

This is the civilization ID of Bengalis

5.43. cGurjaras

Value: int 42

This is the civilization ID of Gurjaras

5.44. cRomans

Value: int 43

This is the civilization ID of Romans

5.45. cArmenians

Value: int 44

This is the civilization ID of Armenians

5.46. cGeorgians

Value: int 45

This is the civilization ID of Georgians

5.47. cAoeEgyptians

Value: int 1

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Egyptians

5.48. cAoeGreeks

Value: int 2

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Greeks

5.49. cAoeBabylonians

Value: int 3

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Babylonians

5.50. cAoeAssyrians

Value: int 4

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Assyrians

5.51. cAoeMinoans

Value: int 5

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Minoans

5.52. cAoeHittites

Value: int 6

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Hittites

5.53. cAoePhoenicians

Value: int 7

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Phoenicians

5.54. cAoeSumerians

Value: int 8

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Sumerians

5.55. cAoePersians

Value: int 9

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Persians

5.56. cAoeShang

Value: int 10

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Shang

5.57. cAoeYamato

Value: int 11

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Yamato

5.58. cAoeChoson

Value: int 12

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Choson

5.59. cAoeRomans

Value: int 13

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Romans

5.60. cAoeCarthaginians

Value: int 14

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Carthaginians

5.61. cAoePalmyrans

Value: int 15

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Palmyrans

5.62. cAoeMacedonians

Value: int 16

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Macedonians

5.63. cAoeLacViet

Value: int 17

This is the civilization ID of Aoe Lac Viet

6. EffectAmount Effect Type

6.1. cSetAttribute

Value: int 0

This is the ID of the Set Attribute effect of the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cSetAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cSetAttribute, 74, cHitpoints, 100)

This sets the HP of unit 74 (militia) to 100 (the value). Alternatively, any of the Unit Attribute Constants may be used to modify the corresponding unit property

6.2. cModResource

Value: int 1

This is the ID of the Modify Resource effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cModResource, resourceID, operation, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cModResource, cAttributeFood, cAttributeAdd, 100)

This adds 100 to the current food amount. Alternatively, cAttributeSet may be used to set the food amount to 100. Also, see the Resource

6.3. cEnableObject

Value: int 2

This is the ID of the Enable (or disable) Object effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cEnableObject, unitID, enableOrDisable, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cEnableObject, 74, cAttributeDisable, 0)

This disables the unit 74 (militia). Alternatively, cAttributeEnable may be used to enable an object instead

6.4. cUpgradeUnit

Value: int 3

This is the ID of the Upgrade Unit effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cUpgradeUnit, oldUnitID, newUnitID, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cUpgradeUnit, 74, 75, 0)

This copies all units attributes except ID and available from unit 75 (man at arms) to 74 (militia)

6.5. cAddAttribute

Value: int 4

This is the ID of the Add Attribute effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cAddAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cAddAttribute, 74, 0, 100)

This adds 100 (the value) to the attribute 0 (HP) of unit 74 (militia)

6.6. cMulAttribute

Value: int 5

This is the ID of the Multiply Attribute effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cMulAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cMulAttribute, 74, 0, 100)

This multiplies the attribute 0 (HP) of unit 74 (militia) by 100 (the value)

6.7. cMulResource

Value: int 6

This is the ID of the Multiply Resource effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cMulResource, resourceID, 0, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cMulResource, cAttributeFood, 0, 10)

This multiplies the food amount by 10 (the value)

6.8. cSpawnUnit

Value: int 7

This is the ID of the Enable (or disable) Technology effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cEnableTech, techID, enableOrDisable, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cEnableTech, 6, cAttributeEnable, 0)

This enables the tech 6 (Drill). Alternatively, cAttributeDisable may be used to disable the tech instead

6.9. cModifyTech

Value: int 8

This is the ID of the Modify Technology effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cModifyTech, techID, techAttribute, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cModifyTech, 22, cAttrSetTime, 10)

This sets the research time of tech 22 (loom) to 10s (the value). Alternatively, any of the Tech Attribute Constants may be used to modify the corresponding tech property

6.10. cSetPlayerData

Value: int 9

This is the ID of the Set Player Data effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cSetPlayerData, 0, cAttributeSet, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cSetPlayerData, 0, cAttributeSet, 10230)

This sets the player data 0 (Civilization Name ID) to 10230 (the value)

6.11. cSetTechCost

Value: int 100

This is the ID of the Set Technology Cost effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cSetTechCost, techID, resourceID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cSetTechCost, 22, cAttributeFood, 10)

This sets the food cost of tech 22 (loom) to 10 (the value)

6.12. cAddTechCost

Value: int 101

This is the ID of the Add Technology Cost effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cAddTechCost, techID, resourceID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cAddTechCost, 22, cAttributeFood, 10)

This adds 10 (the) to the current food cost of tech 22 (loom)

6.13. cDisableTech

Value: int 102

This is the ID of the Disable Tech effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cDisableTech, techID, 0, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cDisableTech, 22, 0, 0)

This disables the tech 22 (loom)

6.14. cModTechTime

Value: int 103

This is the ID of the Modify Technology Time effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cModTechTime, techID, operation, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cModTechTime, 22, cAttributeSet, 10)

This sets the research time of tech 22 (loom) to 10s (the value). Alternatively, cAttributeAdd may be used to add to the current research time of the technology

6.15. cGaiaSetAttribute

Value: int -1

This is the ID of the Gaia Set Attribute effect of the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetAttribute, 74, 0, 100)

This sets the attribute 0 (HP) of unit 74 (militia) to 100 (the value)

6.16. cGaiaModResource

Value: int -2

This is the ID of the Gaia Modify Resource effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModResource, resourceID, operation, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModResource, cAttributeFood, cAttributeAdd, 100)

This adds 100 to the current food amount. Alternatively, cAttributeSet may be used to set the food amount to 100

6.17. cGaiaEnableObject

Value: int -3

This is the ID of the Gaia Enable (or disable) Object effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaEnableObject, unitID, enableOrDisable, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaEnableObject, 74, cAttributeDisable, 0)

This disables the unit 74 (militia). Alternatively, cAttributeEnable may be used to enable an object instead

6.18. cGaiaUpgradeUnit

Value: int -4

This is the ID of the Gaia Upgrade Unit effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaUpgradeUnit, oldUnitID, newUnitID, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaUpgradeUnit, 74, 75, 0)

This replaces all units 74 (militia) with 75 (man at arms) on the map and also disables unit 74 and enables unit 75

6.19. cGaiaAddAttribute

Value: int -5

This is the ID of the Gaia Add Attribute effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaAddAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaAddAttribute, 74, 0, 100)

This adds 100 (the value) to the attribute 0 (HP) of unit 74 (militia)

6.20. cGaiaMulAttribute

Value: int -6

This is the ID of the Gaia Multiply Attribute effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaMulAttribute, unitID, attributeID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaMulAttribute, 74, 0, 100)

This multiplies the attribute 0 (HP) of unit 74 (militia) by 100 (the value)

6.21. cGaiaMulResource

Value: int -7

This is the ID of the Gaia Multiply Resource effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaMulResource, resourceID, 0, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaMulResource, cAttributeFood, 0, 10)

This multiplies the food amount by 10 (the value)

6.22. cGaiaSpawnUnit

Value: int -8

This is the ID of the Gaia Enable (or disable) Technology effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaEnableTech, techID, enableOrDisable, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaEnableTech, 6, cAttributeEnable, 0)

This enables the tech 6 (Drill). Alternatively, cAttributeDisable may be used to disable the tech instead

6.23. cGaiaModifyTech

Value: int -9

This is the ID of the Gaia Modify Technology effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModifyTech, techID, techAttribute, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModifyTech, 22, cAttrSetTime, 10)

This sets the research time of tech 22 (loom) to 10s (the value). Alternatively, any of the Tech Attribute Constants may be used to modify the corresponding tech property

6.24. cGaiaSetPlayerData

Value: int -10

This is the ID of the Gaia Set Player Data effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetPlayerData, 0, cAttributeSet, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetPlayerData, 0, cAttributeSet, 10230)

This sets the player data 0 (Civilization Name ID) to 10230 (the value)

6.25. cGaiaSetTechCost

Value: int -101

This is the ID of the Gaia Set Technology Cost effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetTechCost, techID, resourceID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaSetTechCost, 22, cAttributeFood, 10)

This sets the food cost of tech 22 (loom) to 10 (the value)

6.26. cGaiaAddTechCost

Value: int -102

This is the ID of the Gaia Add Technology Cost effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaAddTechCost, techID, resourceID, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaAddTechCost, 22, cAttributeFood, 10)

This adds 10 (the) to the current food cost of tech 22 (loom)

6.27. cGaiaDisableTech

Value: int -103

This is the ID of the Gaia Disable Tech effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaDisableTech, techID, 0, 0)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaDisableTech, 22, 0, 0)

This disables the tech 22 (loom)

6.28. cGaiaModTechTime

Value: int -104

This is the ID of the Gaia Modify Technology Time effect for the xsEffectAmount function

Syntax: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModTechTime, techID, operation, value)

Example: xsEffectAmount(cGaiaModTechTime, 22, cAttributeSet, 10)

This sets the research time of tech 22 (loom) to 10s (the value). Alternatively, cAttributeAdd may be used to add to the current research time of the technology

7. EffectAmount Effect Operations

7.1. cAttributeDisable

Value: int 0

This is the ID of the Attribute Disbale modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

7.2. cAttributeEnable

Value: int 1

This is the ID of the Attribute Enable modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

7.3. cAttributeForce

Value: int 2

This is the ID of the Attribute Force modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

7.4. cAttributeResearch

Value: int 2

This is the ID of the Attribute Research modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

7.5. cAttributeSet

Value: int 0

This is the ID of the Attribute Set modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

7.6. cAttributeAdd

Value: int 1

This is the ID of the Attribute Add modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8. EffectAmount Technology Attribute

8.1. cAttrSetTime

Value: int -1

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Time modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.2. cAttrAddTime

Value: int -2

This is the ID of the Attribute Add Time modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.3. cAttrSetFoodCost

Value: int 0

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Food Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.4. cAttrSetWoodCost

Value: int 1

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Wood Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.5. cAttrSetStoneCost

Value: int 2

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Stone Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.6. cAttrSetGoldCost

Value: int 3

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Gold Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.7. cAttrAddFoodCost

Value: int 16384

This is the ID of the Attribute Add Food Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.8. cAttrAddWoodCost

Value: int 16385

This is the ID of the Attribute Add Wood Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.9. cAttrAddStoneCost

Value: int 16386

This is the ID of the Attribute Add Stone Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.10. cAttrAddGoldCost

Value: int 16387

This is the ID of the Attribute Add Gold Cost modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.11. cAttrSetLocation

Value: int 4

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Location modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.12. cAttrSetButton

Value: int 5

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Button modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.13. cAttrSetIcon

Value: int 6

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Icon modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.14. cAttrSetName

Value: int 7

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Name modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.15. cAttrSetDescription

Value: int 8

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Description modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.16. cAttrSetStacking

Value: int 9

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Tech Stacking modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.17. cAttrSetStackingResearchCap

Value: int 10

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Stacking Research Cap modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.18. cAttrSetHotkey

Value: int 11

This is the ID of the Attribute Set Hotkey modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

8.19. cAttrSetState

Value: int 12

This is the ID of the Attribute Set State modifier for the xsEffectAmount function

9. EffectAmount Unit Attribute

9.1. cHitpoints

Value: int 0

This is the attribute Hit Points

9.2. cLineOfSight

Value: int 1

This is the attribute Line of Sight

9.3. cGarrisonCapacity

Value: int 2

This is the attribute Garrison Capacity

9.4. cUnitSizeX

Value: int 3

This is the attribute Unit Size X

9.5. cUnitSizeY

Value: int 4

This is the attribute Unit Size Y

9.6. cMovementSpeed

Value: int 5

This is the attribute Movement Speed

9.7. cRotationSpeed

Value: int 6

This is the attribute Rotation Speed

9.8. cArmor

Value: int 8

This is the attribute Armor

9.9. cAttack

Value: int 9

This is the attribute Attack

9.10. cAttackReloadTime

Value: int 10

This is the attribute Attack Reload Time

9.11. cAccuracyPercent

Value: int 11

This is the attribute Accuracy Percent

9.12. cMaxRange

Value: int 12

This is the attribute Max Range

9.13. cWorkRate

Value: int 13

This is the attribute Work Rate

9.14. cCarryCapacity

Value: int 14

This is the attribute Carry Capacity

9.15. cBaseArmor

Value: int 15

This is the attribute Base Armor

9.16. cProjectileUnit

Value: int 16

This is the attribute Projectile Unit

9.17. cIconGraphicsAngle

Value: int 17

This is the attribute Building Icon Override

9.18. cTerrainDefenseBonus

Value: int 18

This is the attribute Terrain Defense Bonus

9.19. cEnableSmartProjectile

Value: int 19

This is the attribute Projectile Smart Mode

9.20. cMinimumRange

Value: int 20

This is the attribute Minimum Range

9.21. cAmountFirstStorage

Value: int 21

This is the attribute Amount of 1st Resource Storage

9.22. cBlastWidth

Value: int 22

This is the attribute Blast Width

9.23. cSearchRadius

Value: int 23

This is the attribute Search Radius

9.24. cBonusResistance

Value: int 24

This is the attribute Bonus Damage Resistance

9.25. cIconId

Value: int 25

This is the attribute Icon ID

9.26. cAmountSecondStorage

Value: int 26

This is the attribute Amount of 2nd Resource Storage

9.27. cAmountThirdStorage

Value: int 27

This is the attribute Amount of 3rd Resource Storage

9.28. cFogFlag

Value: int 28

This is the attribute Fog Visibility

9.29. cOcclusionMode

Value: int 29

This is the attribute Occlusion Mode

9.30. cGarrisonType

Value: int 30

This is the attribute Garrison Type

9.31. cUnitSizeZ

Value: int 32

This is the attribute Unit Size Z

9.32. cCanBeBuiltOn

Value: int 33

This is the attribute Can Be Built On

9.33. cFoundationTerrain

Value: int 34

This is the attribute Foundation Terrain

9.34. cHeroStatus

Value: int 40

This is the attribute Hero Status

9.35. cAttackDelay

Value: int 41

This is the attribute Frame Delay

9.36. cTrainLocation

Value: int 42

This is the attribute Train Location

9.37. cTrainButton

Value: int 43

This is the attribute Train Button

9.38. cBlastAttackLevel

Value: int 44

This is the attribute Blast Attack Level

9.39. cBlastDefenseLevel

Value: int 45

This is the attribute Blast Defense Level

9.40. cShownAttack

Value: int 46

This is the attribute Shown Attack

9.41. cShownRange

Value: int 47

This is the attribute Shown Range

9.42. cShownMeleeArmor

Value: int 48

This is the attribute Shown Melee Armor

9.43. cShownPierceArmor

Value: int 49

This is the attribute Shown Pierce Armor

9.44. cNameId

Value: int 50

This is the attribute Object Name ID

9.45. cDescriptionId

Value: int 51

This is the attribute Short Description ID

9.46. cTerrainTable

Value: int 53

This is the attribute Terrain Restriction ID

9.47. cTraits

Value: int 54

This is the attribute Unit Trait

9.48. cTraitPiece

Value: int 56

This is the attribute Trait Piece

9.49. cDeadUnitId

Value: int 57

This is the attribute Dead Unit ID

9.50. cHotkeyId

Value: int 58

This is the attribute Hotkey ID

9.51. cMaxCharge

Value: int 59

This is the attribute Maximum Charge

9.52. cRechargeRate

Value: int 60

This is the attribute Recharge Rate

9.53. cChargeEvent

Value: int 61

This is the attribute Charge Event

9.54. cChargeType

Value: int 62

This is the attribute Charge Type

9.55. cCombatAbility

Value: int 63

This is the attribute Combat Ability

9.56. cAttackDispersion

Value: int 64

This is the attribute Attack Dispersion

9.57. cSecondaryProjectileUnit

Value: int 65

This is the attribute Secondary Projectile Unit

9.58. cBloodUnitId

Value: int 66

This is the attribute Blood Unit

9.59. cHitMode

Value: int 67

This is the attribute Projectile Hit Mode

9.60. cVanishMode

Value: int 68

This is the attribute Projectile Vanish Mode

9.61. cProjectileArc

Value: int 69

This is the attribute Projectile Arc

9.62. cAttackGraphic

Value: int 70

This is the attribute Attack Graphic

9.63. cStandingGraphic

Value: int 71

This is the attribute Standing Graphic

9.64. cStanding2Graphic

Value: int 72

This is the attribute Standing Graphic 2

9.65. cDyingGraphic

Value: int 73

This is the attribute Dying Graphic

9.66. cUndeadGraphic

Value: int 74

This is the attribute Undead Graphic

9.67. cWalkingGraphic

Value: int 75

This is the attribute Walking Graphic

9.68. cRunningGraphic

Value: int 76

This is the attribute Running Graphic

9.69. cSpecialGraphic

Value: int 77

This is the attribute Special Graphic

9.70. cResourceCost

Value: int 100

This is the attribute Resource Costs

9.71. cTrainTime

Value: int 101

This is the attribute Train Time

9.72. cTotalProjectiles

Value: int 102

This is the attribute Total Missiles

9.73. cFoodCost

Value: int 103

This is the attribute Food Costs

9.74. cWoodCost

Value: int 104

This is the attribute Wood Costs

9.75. cGoldCost

Value: int 105

This is the attribute Gold Costs

9.76. cStoneCost

Value: int 106

This is the attribute Stone Costs

9.77. cMaxTotalProjectiles

Value: int 107

This is the attribute Max Total Missiles

9.78. cGarrisonHealRate

Value: int 108

This is the attribute Garrison Heal Rate

9.79. cRegenerationRate

Value: int 109

This is the attribute Regeneration Rate

9.80. cPopulation

Value: int 110

This is the attribute Population

9.81. cMinConversionTimeMod

Value: int 111

This is the attribute Minimum Conversion Time Modifier

9.82. cMaxConversionTimeMod

Value: int 112

This is the attribute Maximum Conversion Time Modifier

9.83. cConversionChanceMod

Value: int 113

This is the attribute Conversion Chance Modifier

9.84. cFormationCategory

Value: int 114

This is the attribute Formation Category

9.85. cAreaDamage

Value: int 115

This is the attribute Area Damage

10. EffectAmount Object Class

10.1. cArcherClass

Value: int 900

This is the ID used to target the Archer Class

10.2. cArtifactClass

Value: int 901

This is the ID used to target the Artifact Class

10.3. cTradeBoatClass

Value: int 902

This is the ID used to target the Trade Boat Class

10.4. cBuildingClass

Value: int 903

This is the ID used to target the Building Class

10.5. cVillagerClass

Value: int 904

This is the ID used to target the Villager Class

10.6. cSeaFishClass

Value: int 905

This is the ID used to target the Sea Fish Class

10.7. cInfantryClass

Value: int 906

This is the ID used to target the Infantry Class

10.8. cForageBushClass

Value: int 907

This is the ID used to target the Forage Bush Class

10.9. cStoneMineClass

Value: int 908

This is the ID used to target the Stone Mine Class

10.10. cPreyAnimalClass

Value: int 909

This is the ID used to target the Prey Animal Class

10.11. cPredatorAnimalClass

Value: int 910

This is the ID used to target the Predator Animal Class

10.12. cMiscellaneousClass

Value: int 911

This is the ID used to target the Miscellaneous Class

10.13. cCavalryClass

Value: int 912

This is the ID used to target the Cavalry Class

10.14. cSiegeWeaponClass

Value: int 913

This is the ID used to target the Siege Weapon Class

10.15. cTerrainClass

Value: int 914

This is the ID used to target the Terrain Class

10.16. cTreeClass

Value: int 915

This is the ID used to target the Tree Class

10.17. cTreeStumpClass

Value: int 916

This is the ID used to target the Tree Stump Class

10.18. cHealerClass

Value: int 917

This is the ID used to target the Healer Class

10.19. cMonkClass

Value: int 918

This is the ID used to target the Monk Class

10.20. cTradeCartClass

Value: int 919

This is the ID used to target the Trade Cart Class

10.21. cTransportShipClass

Value: int 920

This is the ID used to target the Transport Ship Class

10.22. cFishingBoatClass

Value: int 921

This is the ID used to target the Fishing Boat Class

10.23. cWarshipClass

Value: int 922

This is the ID used to target the Warship Class

10.24. cConquistadorClass

Value: int 923

This is the ID used to target the Conquistador Class

10.25. cWarElephantClass

Value: int 924

This is the ID used to target the War Elephant Class

10.26. cHeroClass

Value: int 925

This is the ID used to target the Hero Class

10.27. cElephantArcherClass

Value: int 926

This is the ID used to target the Elephant Archer Class

10.28. cWallClass

Value: int 927

This is the ID used to target the Wall Class

10.29. cPhalanxClass

Value: int 928

This is the ID used to target the Phalanx Class

10.30. cDomesticAnimalClass

Value: int 929

This is the ID used to target the Domestic Animal Class

10.31. cFlagClass

Value: int 930

This is the ID used to target the Flag Class

10.32. cDeepSeaFishClass

Value: int 931

This is the ID used to target the Deep Sea Fish Class

10.33. cGoldMine

Value: int 932

This is the ID used to target the Gold Mine

10.34. cShoreFish

Value: int 933

This is the ID used to target the Shore Fish

10.35. cCliffClass

Value: int 934

This is the ID used to target the Cliff Class

10.36. cPetardClass

Value: int 935

This is the ID used to target the Petard Class

10.37. cCavalryArcherClass

Value: int 936

This is the ID used to target the Cavalry Archer Class

10.38. cDoppelgangerClass

Value: int 937

This is the ID used to target the Doppelganger Class

10.39. cBirdClass

Value: int 938

This is the ID used to target the Bird Class

10.40. cGateClass

Value: int 939

This is the ID used to target the Gate Class

10.41. cSalvagePileClass

Value: int 940

This is the ID used to target the Salvage Pile Class

10.42. cResourcePileClass

Value: int 941

This is the ID used to target the Resource Pile Class

10.43. cRelicClass

Value: int 942

This is the ID used to target the Relic Class

10.44. cMonkWithRelicClass

Value: int 943

This is the ID used to target the Monk With Relic Class

10.45. cHandCannoneerClass

Value: int 944

This is the ID used to target the Hand Cannoneer Class

10.46. cTwoHandedSwordsmanClass

Value: int 945

This is the ID used to target the Two Handed Swordsman Class

10.47. cPikemanClass

Value: int 946

This is the ID used to target the Pikeman Class

10.48. cScoutCavalryClass

Value: int 947

This is the ID used to target the Scout Cavalry Class

10.49. cOreMineClass

Value: int 948

This is the ID used to target the Ore Mine Class

10.50. cFarmClass

Value: int 949

This is the ID used to target the Farm Class

10.51. cSpearmanClass

Value: int 950

This is the ID used to target the Spearman Class

10.52. cPackedUnitClass

Value: int 951

This is the ID used to target the Packed Unit Class

10.53. cTowerClass

Value: int 952

This is the ID used to target the Tower Class

10.54. cBoardingShipClass

Value: int 953

This is the ID used to target the Boarding Ship Class

10.55. cUnpackedSiegeUnitClass

Value: int 954

This is the ID used to target the Unpacked Siege Unit Class

10.56. cScorpionClass

Value: int 955

This is the ID used to target the Scorpion Class

10.57. cRaiderClass

Value: int 956

This is the ID used to target the Raider Class

10.58. cCavalryRaiderClass

Value: int 957

This is the ID used to target the Cavalry Raider Class

10.59. cLivestockClass

Value: int 958

This is the ID used to target the Livestock Class

10.60. cKingClass

Value: int 959

This is the ID used to target the King Class

10.61. cMiscBuildingClass

Value: int 960

This is the ID used to target the Misc Building Class

10.62. cControlledAnimalClass

Value: int 961

This is the ID used to target the Controlled Animal Class

11. Resource

11.1. cAttributeFood

Value: int 0

ID of the player resource Food. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.2. cAttributeWood

Value: int 1

ID of the player resource Wood. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.3. cAttributeStone

Value: int 2

ID of the player resource Stone. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.4. cAttributeGold

Value: int 3

ID of the player resource Gold. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.5. cAttributePopulationCap

Value: int 4

ID of the player resource Population Cap. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.6. cAttributeReligion

Value: int 5

ID of the player resource Religion. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.7. cAttributeCurrentAge

Value: int 6

ID of the player resource Current Age. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.8. cAttributeRelics

Value: int 7

ID of the player resource Relics. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.9. cAttributeTrageBonus

Value: int 8

ID of the player resource Trage Bonus. Click here. The name is mispelled in the Constants.xs Check so thats how it needs to be used for more info about what this resource does.

11.10. cAttributeTradeGoods

Value: int 9

ID of the player resource Trade Goods. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.11. cAttributeTradeProducation

Value: int 10

ID of the player resource Trade Producation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.12. cAttributePopulation

Value: int 11

ID of the player resource Population. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.13. cAttributeDecay

Value: int 12

ID of the player resource Decay. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.14. cAttributeDiscovery

Value: int 13

ID of the player resource Discovery. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.15. cAttributeRuins

Value: int 14

ID of the player resource Ruins. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.16. cAttributeMeat

Value: int 15

ID of the player resource Meat. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.17. cAttributeBerries

Value: int 16

ID of the player resource Berries. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.18. cAttributeFish

Value: int 17

ID of the player resource Fish. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.19. cAttributeKills

Value: int 20

ID of the player resource Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.20. cAttributeResearchCount

Value: int 21

ID of the player resource Research Count. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.21. cAttributeExploration

Value: int 22

ID of the player resource Exploration. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.22. cAttributeConvertPriest

Value: int 27

ID of the player resource Convert Priest. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.23. cAttributeConvertBuilding

Value: int 28

ID of the player resource Convert Building. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.24. cAttributeBuildingLimit

Value: int 30

ID of the player resource Building Limit. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.25. cAttributeFoodLimit

Value: int 31

ID of the player resource Food Limit. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.26. cAttributeUnitLimit

Value: int 32

ID of the player resource Unit Limit. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.27. cAttributeMaintenance

Value: int 33

ID of the player resource Maintenance. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.28. cAttributeFaith

Value: int 34

ID of the player resource Faith. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.29. cAttributeFaithRechargeRate

Value: int 35

ID of the player resource Faith Recharge Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.30. cAttributeFarmFood

Value: int 36

ID of the player resource Farm Food. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.31. cAttributeCivilianPopulation

Value: int 37

ID of the player resource Civilian Population. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.32. cAttributeAllTechsAchieved

Value: int 39

ID of the player resource All Techs Achieved. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.33. cAttributeMilitaryPopulation

Value: int 40

ID of the player resource Military Population. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.34. cAttributeConversions

Value: int 41

ID of the player resource Conversions. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.35. cAttributeWonder

Value: int 42

ID of the player resource Wonder. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.36. cAttributeRazings

Value: int 43

ID of the player resource Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.37. cAttributeKillRatio

Value: int 44

ID of the player resource Kill Ratio. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.38. cAttributePlayerKilled

Value: int 45

ID of the player resource Player Killed. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.39. cAttributeTributeInefficency

Value: int 46

ID of the player resource Tribute Inefficency. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.40. cAttributeGoldBonus

Value: int 47

ID of the player resource Gold Bonus. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.41. cAttributeTownCenterUnavailable

Value: int 48

ID of the player resource Town Center Unavailable. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.42. cAttributeGoldCounter

Value: int 49

ID of the player resource Gold Counter. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.43. cAttributeWriting

Value: int 50

ID of the player resource Writing. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.44. cAttributeMonasteries

Value: int 52

ID of the player resource Monasteries. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.45. cAttributeTribute

Value: int 53

ID of the player resource Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.46. cAttributeHoldRuins

Value: int 54

ID of the player resource Hold Ruins. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.47. cAttributeHoldRelics

Value: int 55

ID of the player resource Hold Relics. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.48. cAttributeOre

Value: int 56

ID of the player resource Ore. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.49. cAttributeCapturedUnit

Value: int 57

ID of the player resource Captured Unit. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.50. cAttributeTradeGoodQuality

Value: int 59

ID of the player resource Trade Good Quality. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.51. cAttributeTradeMarketLevel

Value: int 60

ID of the player resource Trade Market Level. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.52. cAttributeFormations

Value: int 61

ID of the player resource Formations. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.53. cAttributeBuildingHouseRate

Value: int 62

ID of the player resource Building House Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.54. cAttributeGatherTaxRate

Value: int 63

ID of the player resource Gather Tax Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.55. cAttributeGatherAccumalation

Value: int 64

ID of the player resource Gather Accumalation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.56. cAttributeSalvageDecayRate

Value: int 65

ID of the player resource Salvage Decay Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.57. cAttributeAllowFormations

Value: int 66

ID of the player resource Allow Formations. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.58. cAttributeCanConvert

Value: int 67

ID of the player resource Can Convert. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.59. cAttributeConvertResistance

Value: int 77

ID of the player resource Convert Resistance. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.60. cAttributeTradeVigRate

Value: int 78

ID of the player resource Trade Vig Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.61. cAttributeStoneBonus

Value: int 79

ID of the player resource Stone Bonus. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.62. cAttributeQueuedCount

Value: int 80

ID of the player resource Queued Count. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.63. cAttributeTrainingCount

Value: int 81

ID of the player resource Training Count. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.64. cAttributeRaider

Value: int 82

ID of the player resource Raider. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.65. cAttributeBoardingRechargeRate

Value: int 83

ID of the player resource Boarding Recharge Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.66. cAttributeStartingVillagers

Value: int 84

ID of the player resource Starting Villagers. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.67. cAttributeResearchCostMod

Value: int 85

ID of the player resource Research Cost Mod. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.68. cAttributeResearchTimeMod

Value: int 86

ID of the player resource Research Time Mod. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.69. cAttributeConvertBoats

Value: int 87

ID of the player resource Convert Boats. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.70. cAttributeFishTrapFood

Value: int 88

ID of the player resource Fish Trap Food. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.71. cAttributeHealRateModifer

Value: int 89

ID of the player resource Heal Rate Modifer. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.72. cAttributeHealRange

Value: int 90

ID of the player resource Heal Range. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.73. cAttributeStartingFood

Value: int 91

ID of the player resource Starting Food. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.74. cAttributeStartingWood

Value: int 92

ID of the player resource Starting Wood. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.75. cAttributeStartingStone

Value: int 93

ID of the player resource Starting Stone. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.76. cAttributeStartingGold

Value: int 94

ID of the player resource Starting Gold. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.77. cAttributeRaiderAbility

Value: int 95

ID of the player resource Raider Ability. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.78. cAttributeNoDropsiteFarmers

Value: int 96

ID of the player resource No Dropsite Farmers. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.79. cAttributeDominantSheepControl

Value: int 97

ID of the player resource Dominant Sheep Control. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.80. cAttributeObjectCostSummation

Value: int 98

ID of the player resource Object Cost Summation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.81. cAttributeResearchCostSummation

Value: int 99

ID of the player resource Research Cost Summation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.82. cAttributeRelicIncomeSummation

Value: int 100

ID of the player resource Relic Income Summation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.83. cAttributeTradeIncomeSummation

Value: int 101

ID of the player resource Trade Income Summation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.84. cAttributeCastle

Value: int 134

ID of the player resource Castle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.85. cAttributeHitPointRazings

Value: int 135

ID of the player resource Hit Point Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.86. cAttributeValueKilledByOthers

Value: int 152

ID of the player resource Value Killed By Others. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.87. cAttributeValueRazedByOthers

Value: int 153

ID of the player resource Value Razed By Others. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.88. cAttributeKilledByOthers

Value: int 154

ID of the player resource Killed By Others. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.89. cAttributeRazedByOthers

Value: int 155

ID of the player resource Razed By Others. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.90. cAttributeValueCurrentUnits

Value: int 164

ID of the player resource Value Current Units. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.91. cAttributeValueCurrentBuildings

Value: int 165

ID of the player resource Value Current Buildings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.92. cAttributeFoodTotal

Value: int 166

ID of the player resource Food Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.93. cAttributeWoodTotal

Value: int 167

ID of the player resource Wood Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.94. cAttributeStoneTotal

Value: int 168

ID of the player resource Stone Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.95. cAttributeGoldTotal

Value: int 169

ID of the player resource Gold Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.96. cAttributeTotalValueOfKills

Value: int 170

ID of the player resource Total Value Of Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.97. cAttributeTotalTributeReceived

Value: int 171

ID of the player resource Total Tribute Received. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.98. cAttributeTotalValueOfRazings

Value: int 172

ID of the player resource Total Value Of Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.99. cAttributeTotalCastlesBuilt

Value: int 173

ID of the player resource Total Castles Built. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.100. cAttributeTotalWondersBuilt

Value: int 174

ID of the player resource Total Wonders Built. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.101. cAttributeTributeScore

Value: int 175

ID of the player resource Tribute Score. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.102. cAttributeConvertMinAdj

Value: int 176

ID of the player resource Convert Min Adj. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.103. cAttributeConvertMaxAdj

Value: int 177

ID of the player resource Convert Max Adj. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.104. cAttributeConvertResistMinAdj

Value: int 178

ID of the player resource Convert Resist Min Adj. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.105. cAttributeConvertResistMaxAdj

Value: int 179

ID of the player resource Convert Resist Max Adj. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.106. cAttributeConvertBuildingMin

Value: int 180

ID of the player resource Convert Building Min. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.107. cAttributeConvertBuildingMax

Value: int 181

ID of the player resource Convert Building Max. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.108. cAttributeConvertBuildingChance

Value: int 182

ID of the player resource Convert Building Chance. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.109. cAttributeSpies

Value: int 183

ID of the player resource Spies. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.110. cAttributeValueWondersCastles

Value: int 184

ID of the player resource Value Wonders Castles. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.111. cAttributeFoodScore

Value: int 185

ID of the player resource Food Score. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.112. cAttributeWoodScore

Value: int 186

ID of the player resource Wood Score. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.113. cAttributeStoneScore

Value: int 187

ID of the player resource Stone Score. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.114. cAttributeGoldScore

Value: int 188

ID of the player resource Gold Score. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.115. cAttributeWoodBonus

Value: int 189

ID of the player resource Wood Bonus. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.116. cAttributeFoodBonus

Value: int 190

ID of the player resource Food Bonus. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.117. cAttributeRelicRate

Value: int 191

ID of the player resource Relic Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.118. cAttributeHeresy

Value: int 192

ID of the player resource Heresy. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.119. cAttributeTheocracy

Value: int 193

ID of the player resource Theocracy. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.120. cAttributeCrenellations

Value: int 194

ID of the player resource Crenellations. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.121. cAttributeConstructionRateMod

Value: int 195

ID of the player resource Construction Rate Mod. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.122. cAttributeHunWonderBonus

Value: int 196

ID of the player resource Hun Wonder Bonus. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.123. cAttributeSpiesDiscount

Value: int 197

ID of the player resource Spies Discount. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.124. cAttributeTemporaryMapReveal

Value: int 209

ID of the player resource Temporary Map Reveal. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.125. cAttributeRevealInitialType

Value: int 210

ID of the player resource Reveal Initial Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.126. cAttributeElevationBonusHigher

Value: int 211

ID of the player resource Elevation Bonus Higher. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.127. cAttributeElevationBonusLower

Value: int 212

ID of the player resource Elevation Bonus Lower. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.128. cAttributeTriggerSharedLOS

Value: int 217

ID of the player resource Trigger Shared L O S. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.129. cAttributeFeudalTownCenterLimit

Value: int 218

ID of the player resource Feudal Town Center Limit. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.130. cAttributeFishingProductivity

Value: int 219

ID of the player resource Fishing Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.131. cAttributeUnused220

Value: int 220

ID of the player resource Unused220. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.132. cAttributeMonumentFoodTrickle

Value: int 221

ID of the player resource Monument Food Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.133. cAttributeMonumentWoodTrickle

Value: int 222

ID of the player resource Monument Wood Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.134. cAttributeMonumentStoneTrickle

Value: int 223

ID of the player resource Monument Stone Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.135. cAttributeMonumentGoldTrickle

Value: int 224

ID of the player resource Monument Gold Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.136. cAttributeRelicFoodRate

Value: int 225

ID of the player resource Relic Food Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.137. cAttributeVillagersKilledByGaia

Value: int 226

ID of the player resource Villagers Killed By Gaia. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.138. cAttributeVillgaersKilledByAnimal

Value: int 227

ID of the player resource Villgaers Killed By Animal. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.139. cAttributeVillagersKilledByAIPlayer

Value: int 228

ID of the player resource Villagers Killed By A I Player. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.140. cAttributeVillagersKilledByHumanPlayer

Value: int 229

ID of the player resource Villagers Killed By Human Player. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.141. cAttributeFoodGeneration

Value: int 230

ID of the player resource Food Generation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.142. cAttributeWoodGeneration

Value: int 231

ID of the player resource Wood Generation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.143. cAttributeStoneGeneration

Value: int 232

ID of the player resource Stone Generation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.144. cAttributeGoldGeneration

Value: int 233

ID of the player resource Gold Generation. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.145. cAttributeSpawnCap

Value: int 234

ID of the player resource Spawn Cap. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.146. cAttributeFlemishMilitiaPop

Value: int 235

ID of the player resource Flemish Militia Pop. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.147. cAttributeGoldFarmingProductivity

Value: int 236

ID of the player resource Gold Farming Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.148. cAttributeFolwarkCollectionAmount

Value: int 237

ID of the player resource Folwark Collection Amount. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.149. cAttributeFolwarkCollectionType

Value: int 238

ID of the player resource Folwark Collection Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.150. cAttributeBuildingId

Value: int 239

ID of the player resource Building Id. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.151. cAttributeUnitsConverted

Value: int 240

ID of the player resource Units Converted. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.152. cAttributeStoneGoldMiningProductivity

Value: int 241

ID of the player resource Stone Gold Mining Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.153. cAttributeWorkshopFoodTrickle

Value: int 242

ID of the player resource Workshop Food Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.154. cAttributeWorkshopWoodTrickle

Value: int 243

ID of the player resource Workshop Wood Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.155. cAttributeWorkshopStoneTrickle

Value: int 244

ID of the player resource Workshop Stone Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.156. cAttributeWorkshopGoldTrickle

Value: int 245

ID of the player resource Workshop Gold Trickle. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.157. cAttributeUnitsValueTotal

Value: int 246

ID of the player resource Units Value Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.158. cAttributeBuildingsValueTotal

Value: int 247

ID of the player resource Buildings Value Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.159. cAttributeVillagersCreatedTotal

Value: int 248

ID of the player resource Villagers Created Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.160. cAttributeVillagersIdlePeriodsTotal

Value: int 249

ID of the player resource Villagers Idle Periods Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.161. cAttributeVillagersIdleSecondsTotal

Value: int 250

ID of the player resource Villagers Idle Seconds Total. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.162. cAttributeTradeFoodPercent

Value: int 251

ID of the player resource Trade Food Percent. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.163. cAttributeTradeWoodPercent

Value: int 252

ID of the player resource Trade Wood Percent. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.164. cAttributeTradeStonePercent

Value: int 253

ID of the player resource Trade Stone Percent. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.165. cAttributeLivestockFoodProductivity

Value: int 254

ID of the player resource Livestock Food Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.166. cAttributeSpeedUpBuildingType

Value: int 255

ID of the player resource Speed Up Building Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.167. cAttributeSpeedUpBuildingRange

Value: int 256

ID of the player resource Speed Up Building Range. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.168. cAttributeSpeedUpPercentage

Value: int 257

ID of the player resource Speed Up Percentage. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.169. cAttributeSpeedUpObjectType

Value: int 258

ID of the player resource Speed Up Object Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.170. cAttributeSpeedUpEffectType

Value: int 259

ID of the player resource Speed Up Effect Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.171. cAttributeSpeedUpSecondaryEffectType

Value: int 260

ID of the player resource Speed Up Secondary Effect Type. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.172. cAttributeSpeedUpSecondaryPercentage

Value: int 261

ID of the player resource Speed Up Secondary Percentage. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.173. cAttributeCivNameOverride

Value: int 262

ID of the player resource Civ Name Override. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.174. cAttributeStartingScoutID

Value: int 263

ID of the player resource Starting Scout I D. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.175. cAttributeRelicWoodRate

Value: int 264

ID of the player resource Relic Wood Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.176. cAttributeRelicStoneRate

Value: int 265

ID of the player resource Relic Stone Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.177. cAttributeChoppingGoldProductivity

Value: int 266

ID of the player resource Chopping Gold Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.178. cAttributeForagingWoodProductivity

Value: int 267

ID of the player resource Foraging Wood Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.179. cAttributeHuntingProductivity

Value: int 268

ID of the player resource Hunting Productivity. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.180. cAttributeTechnologyRewardEffect

Value: int 269

ID of the player resource Technology Reward Effect. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.181. cAttributeUnitRepairCost

Value: int 270

ID of the player resource Unit Repair Cost. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.182. cAttributeBuildingRepairCost

Value: int 271

ID of the player resource Building Repair Cost. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.183. cAttributeElevationDamageHigher

Value: int 272

ID of the player resource Elevation Damage Higher. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.184. cAttributeElevationDamageLower

Value: int 273

ID of the player resource Elevation Damage Lower. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.185. cAttributeInfantryKillReward

Value: int 274

ID of the player resource Infantry Kill Reward. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.186. cAttributeMilitaryCanConvert

Value: int 279

ID of the player resource Military Can Convert. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.187. cAttributeMilitaryConversionRangeAdj

Value: int 280

ID of the player resource Military Conversion Range Adj. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.188. cAttributeMilitaryConversionChance

Value: int 281

ID of the player resource Military Conversion Chance. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.189. cAttributeMilitaryConversionRechargeRate

Value: int 282

ID of the player resource Military Conversion Recharge Rate. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.190. cAttributeSpawnStayInside

Value: int 283

ID of the player resource Spawn Stay Inside. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.191. cAttributeCavalryKillReward

Value: int 284

ID of the player resource Cavalry Kill Reward. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.192. cAttributeTriggerSharedVisibility

Value: int 285

ID of the player resource Trigger Shared Visibility. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.193. cAttributeTriggerSharedExploration

Value: int 286

ID of the player resource Trigger Shared Exploration. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.194. cAttributeGaiaKills

Value: int 300

ID of the player resource Gaia Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.195. cAttributePlayer1Kills

Value: int 301

ID of the player resource Player1 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.196. cAttributePlayer2Kills

Value: int 302

ID of the player resource Player2 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.197. cAttributePlayer3Kills

Value: int 303

ID of the player resource Player3 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.198. cAttributePlayer4Kills

Value: int 304

ID of the player resource Player4 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.199. cAttributePlayer5Kills

Value: int 305

ID of the player resource Player5 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.200. cAttributePlayer6Kills

Value: int 306

ID of the player resource Player6 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.201. cAttributePlayer7Kills

Value: int 307

ID of the player resource Player7 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.202. cAttributePlayer8Kills

Value: int 308

ID of the player resource Player8 Kills. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.203. cAttributeKillsByGaia

Value: int 325

ID of the player resource Kills By Gaia. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.204. cAttributeKillsByPlayer1

Value: int 326

ID of the player resource Kills By Player1. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.205. cAttributeKillsByPlayer2

Value: int 327

ID of the player resource Kills By Player2. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.206. cAttributeKillsByPlayer3

Value: int 328

ID of the player resource Kills By Player3. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.207. cAttributeKillsByPlayer4

Value: int 329

ID of the player resource Kills By Player4. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.208. cAttributeKillsByPlayer5

Value: int 330

ID of the player resource Kills By Player5. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.209. cAttributeKillsByPlayer6

Value: int 331

ID of the player resource Kills By Player6. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.210. cAttributeKillsByPlayer7

Value: int 332

ID of the player resource Kills By Player7. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.211. cAttributeKillsByPlayer8

Value: int 333

ID of the player resource Kills By Player8. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.212. cAttributeGaiaRazings

Value: int 350

ID of the player resource Gaia Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.213. cAttributePlayer1Razings

Value: int 351

ID of the player resource Player1 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.214. cAttributePlayer2Razings

Value: int 352

ID of the player resource Player2 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.215. cAttributePlayer3Razings

Value: int 353

ID of the player resource Player3 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.216. cAttributePlayer4Razings

Value: int 354

ID of the player resource Player4 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.217. cAttributePlayer5Razings

Value: int 355

ID of the player resource Player5 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.218. cAttributePlayer6Razings

Value: int 356

ID of the player resource Player6 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.219. cAttributePlayer7Razings

Value: int 357

ID of the player resource Player7 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.220. cAttributePlayer8Razings

Value: int 358

ID of the player resource Player8 Razings. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.221. cAttributeRazingsByGaia

Value: int 375

ID of the player resource Razings By Gaia. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.222. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer1

Value: int 376

ID of the player resource Razings By Player1. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.223. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer2

Value: int 377

ID of the player resource Razings By Player2. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.224. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer3

Value: int 378

ID of the player resource Razings By Player3. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.225. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer4

Value: int 379

ID of the player resource Razings By Player4. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.226. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer5

Value: int 380

ID of the player resource Razings By Player5. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.227. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer6

Value: int 381

ID of the player resource Razings By Player6. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.228. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer7

Value: int 382

ID of the player resource Razings By Player7. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.229. cAttributeRazingsByPlayer8

Value: int 383

ID of the player resource Razings By Player8. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.230. cAttributeGaiaKillValue

Value: int 400

ID of the player resource Gaia Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.231. cAttributePlayer1KillValue

Value: int 401

ID of the player resource Player1 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.232. cAttributePlayer2KillValue

Value: int 402

ID of the player resource Player2 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.233. cAttributePlayer3KillValue

Value: int 403

ID of the player resource Player3 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.234. cAttributePlayer4KillValue

Value: int 404

ID of the player resource Player4 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.235. cAttributePlayer5KillValue

Value: int 405

ID of the player resource Player5 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.236. cAttributePlayer6KillValue

Value: int 406

ID of the player resource Player6 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.237. cAttributePlayer7KillValue

Value: int 407

ID of the player resource Player7 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.238. cAttributePlayer8KillValue

Value: int 408

ID of the player resource Player8 Kill Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.239. cAttributeGaiaRazingValue

Value: int 425

ID of the player resource Gaia Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.240. cAttributePlayer1RazingValue

Value: int 426

ID of the player resource Player1 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.241. cAttributePlayer2RazingValue

Value: int 427

ID of the player resource Player2 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.242. cAttributePlayer3RazingValue

Value: int 428

ID of the player resource Player3 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.243. cAttributePlayer4RazingValue

Value: int 429

ID of the player resource Player4 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.244. cAttributePlayer5RazingValue

Value: int 430

ID of the player resource Player5 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.245. cAttributePlayer6RazingValue

Value: int 431

ID of the player resource Player6 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.246. cAttributePlayer7RazingValue

Value: int 432

ID of the player resource Player7 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.247. cAttributePlayer8RazingValue

Value: int 433

ID of the player resource Player8 Razing Value. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.248. cAttributeGaiaTribute

Value: int 450

ID of the player resource Gaia Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.249. cAttributePlayer1Tribute

Value: int 451

ID of the player resource Player1 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.250. cAttributePlayer2Tribute

Value: int 452

ID of the player resource Player2 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.251. cAttributePlayer3Tribute

Value: int 453

ID of the player resource Player3 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.252. cAttributePlayer4Tribute

Value: int 454

ID of the player resource Player4 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.253. cAttributePlayer5Tribute

Value: int 455

ID of the player resource Player5 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.254. cAttributePlayer6Tribute

Value: int 456

ID of the player resource Player6 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.255. cAttributePlayer7Tribute

Value: int 457

ID of the player resource Player7 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.256. cAttributePlayer8Tribute

Value: int 458

ID of the player resource Player8 Tribute. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.257. cAttributeTributeFromGaia

Value: int 475

ID of the player resource Tribute From Gaia. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.258. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer1

Value: int 476

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player1. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.259. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer2

Value: int 477

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player2. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.260. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer3

Value: int 478

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player3. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.261. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer4

Value: int 479

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player4. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.262. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer5

Value: int 480

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player5. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.263. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer6

Value: int 481

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player6. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.264. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer7

Value: int 482

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player7. Check here for more info about what this resource does.

11.265. cAttributeTributeFromPlayer8

Value: int 483

ID of the player resource Tribute From Player8. Check here for more info about what this resource does.