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Chat Data

1. Cannot Print 0 Or 1 At The Start Of The Line In xsChatData()ΒΆ

Description: If a 0 or 1 character occurs at the beginning of a string that is being chatted to the screen using xsChatData, then the 0 or 1 characters do not appear in the message.

Expected Behaviour: 0 or 1 should be shown correctly at the beginning of the line if used in an xsChatData function

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Create a new scenario or RMS
  2. Create a new XS script with the following code:
    void main() {
        // expected `1 the one at the start isn't visible` but
        // prints ` the one at the start isn't visible`
        xsChatData("1 the one at the start isn't visible");
        // expected `0 the zero at the start isn't visible` but
        // prints ` the zero at the start isn't visible`
        xsChatData("0 the zero at the start isn't visible");
  3. Include the script in the scenario or RMS
  4. When a game is played using the scenario or RMS, any 1 or 0 at the beginning of the lines are omitted in the resulting message on screen.
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