Player Resources¶
Written by: Alian713, Bradical, & Kramb
This page is a list of all the player resources in the scenario editor and their purposes. If you know of any resources that are not written on this page, or if the descriptions of the resources are wrong, please let the authors of this guide know!
0. !Food Storage¶
ID: 0
Purpose: Current food amount
1. !Wood Storage¶
ID: 1
Purpose: Current wood amount
2. !Stone Storage¶
ID: 2
Purpose: Current stone amount
3. !Gold Storage¶
ID: 3
Purpose: Current gold amount
4. Population Headroom¶
ID: 4
Purpose: Amount of free population space. Note that this is NOT the population cap
5. Conversion Range¶
ID: 5
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
6. Current Age¶
ID: 6
Purpose: Controls the age name and icon at the top of the screen
Default Values:
- 0: Dark Age
- 1: Feudal Age
- 2: Castle Age
- 3: Imperial Age
Note: Setting this to an amount higher than 3 cycles the icon but keeps the age at imperial
7. Relics Captured¶
ID: 7
Purpose: Number of relics held
8. Unused Resource 008¶
ID: 8
Purpose: Unused
9. Trade Goods¶
ID: 9
Purpose: Unused
10. Unused Resource 010¶
ID: 10
Purpose: Unused
11. Current Population¶
ID: 11
Purpose: The current population
12. Corpse Decay Time¶
ID: 12
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
13. Remarkable Discovery¶
ID: 13
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
14. Monuments Captured¶
ID: 14
Purpose: Number of monuments owned
15. Meat Storage¶
ID: 15
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
16. Berry Storage¶
ID: 16
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
17. Fish Storage¶
ID: 17
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
18. Unused Resource 018¶
ID: 18
Purpose: Unused
19. Total Units Owned¶
ID: 19
Purpose: Total units owned, excluding buildings
20. Units Killed¶
ID: 20
Purpose: Total units killed, excluding buildings
21. Technology Count¶
ID: 21
Purpose: Number of technologies researched till now
22. % Map Explored¶
ID: 22
Purpose: Percentage of the map explored
23. Castle Age Tech ID¶
ID: 23
Purpose: Always 102
Note: Nothing happens when you change this, probably for mods only
24. Imperial Age Tech ID¶
ID: 24
Purpose: Always 103
Note: Nothing happens when you change this, probably for mods only
25. Feudal Age Tech ID¶
ID: 25
Purpose: Always 101
Note: Nothing happens when you change this, probably for mods only
26. Attack Warning Sound ID¶
ID: 26
Purpose: Always 0
Note: Nothing happens when you change this, probably for mods only
27. Enable Monk Conversion¶
ID: 27
Purpose: Boolean: allow enemy monk conversions
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- \(\geq\) 1: Yes, after Atonement
28. Enable Building Conversion¶
ID: 28
Purpose: Boolean: allow enemy building conversions
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after Redemption
- \(\geq\)2: Monks can convert buildings from range
29. Unused Resource 029¶
ID: 29
Purpose: Unused
30. Unused Resource 030¶
ID: 30
Purpose: Unused
31. Unused Resource 031¶
ID: 31
Purpose: Unused
32. Bonus Population Cap¶
ID: 32
Purpose: Additional pop space to grant on top of maximum pop cap
Note: 10 for goths
33. Food Maintenance¶
ID: 33
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
34. Faith¶
ID: 34
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
35. Faith Recharging Rate¶
ID: 35
Purpose: Monk faith recovery rate
Default Values:
- 1: The unit of measurement for this rate is unknown
36. Farm Food Amount¶
ID: 36
Purpose: Maximum farm food amount
Default Values:
- 175: Default
- 220: Chinese
Note: This is what horse collar etc. technologies modify
37. Civilian Population¶
ID: 37
Purpose: Current civilian population
38. Unused Resource 038¶
ID: 38
Purpose: Unused
39. All Techs Achieved¶
ID: 39
Purpose: Boolean: If all available technologies have been researched
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
40. Military Population¶
ID: 40
Purpose: Current military popupation
41. Conversions¶
ID: 41
Purpose: Number of units converted
42. Standing Wonders¶
ID: 42
Purpose: Number of standing wonders
43. Razings¶
ID: 43
Purpose: Number of buildings razed
44. Kill Ratio¶
ID: 44
Purpose: This is the number of units lost subtracted from the number of units killed in total
45. Survival to Finish¶
ID: 45
Purpose: Boolean: This is set to
under the same conditions which are required to defeat a player -
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
46. Tribute Inefficiency¶
ID: 46
Purpose: This is the fraction of tributes sent that are collected as tax
Default Values:
- 0.3: Default
- 0.2: After Coinage
- 0: After Banking
47. Gold Mining Productivity¶
ID: 47
Purpose: Multiplier for gold mined by gold miners
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 1.15: Mayans
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a villager, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate. In the case of Mayans, This is compensated for by reducing villager work rate by 15%
48. Town Center Unavailable¶
ID: 48
Purpose: Boolean: allow building extra tcs
Default Values:
- 0: No (Sudden Death)
- 1: Yes (Normal)
49. Gold Counter¶
ID: 49
Purpose: Total gold collected
50. Reveal Ally¶
ID: 50
Purpose: Boolean: show ally los for the source player
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after Cartography or with a Portuguese ally
Note: Once set to
, setting it back to0
won't take away the LoS of allies
51. Unused Resource 051¶
ID: 51
Purpose: Unused
52. Monasteries¶
ID: 52
Purpose: Number of monasteries
53. Tribute Sent¶
ID: 53
Purpose: Total of all resources tributed to others. This does not count taxes paid on tributing
54. All Monuments Captured¶
ID: 54
Purpose: Boolean: all monuments on the map captured
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
55. All Relics Captured¶
ID: 55
Purpose: Boolean: all relics on the map captured
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
56. Ore Storage¶
ID: 56
Purpose: Unused
57. Kidnap Storage¶
ID: 57
Purpose: Number of units kidnapped
Note: This is probably only used by mods, this usage may be incorrect
58. Dark Age Tech ID¶
ID: 58
Purpose: Always 104
Note: Nothing happens when you change this
59. Unused Resource 059¶
ID: 59
Purpose: Unused
60. Unused Resource 060¶
ID: 60
Purpose: Unused
61. Unused Resource 061¶
ID: 61
Purpose: Unused
62. Building Housing Rate¶
ID: 62
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
63. Tax Gather Rate¶
ID: 63
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
64. Gather Accumulator¶
ID: 64
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
65. Salvage Decay Rate¶
ID: 65
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
66. Unused Resource 066¶
ID: 66
Purpose: Unused
67. Can Convert¶
ID: 67
Purpose: Boolean: monks can convert enemy units
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes (default)
68. Hit Points Killed¶
ID: 68
Purpose: Cumulative hp of all units killed
69. Unused Resource 69¶
ID: 69
Purpose: Unused
70. Unused Resource 70¶
ID: 70
Purpose: Unused
71. Unused Resource 71¶
ID: 71
Purpose: Unused
72. Unused Resource 72¶
ID: 72
Purpose: Unused
73. Unused Resource 73¶
ID: 73
Purpose: Unused
74. Unused Resource 74¶
ID: 74
Purpose: Unused
75. Unused Resource 75¶
ID: 75
Purpose: Unused
76. Unused Resource 76¶
ID: 76
Purpose: Unused
77. Conversion Resistance¶
ID: 77
Purpose: Coefficient of conversion resistance
Default Values:
- 0: Default
Note: Probability of conversion every monk second is divided by this value for ALL source player units.
78. Trade Vig Rate¶
ID: 78
Purpose: Market exchange rate fraction for the source player
Default Values:
- 0.3: Default
- 0.15: after Guilds
- 0.05: Saracens
79. Stone Mining Productivity¶
ID: 79
Purpose: Multiplier for stone mined by stone miners
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 1.15: Mayans
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a villager, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate. In the case of Mayans, This is compensated for by reducing villager work rate by 15%
80. Queued Units¶
ID: 80
Purpose: Amount of units in queue
Note: Note that only the units waiting to be trained are considered in the queue so if an archery range has 3 archers being made, there is 1 archer that is being trained and 2 archers that are in queue
81. Training Count¶
ID: 81
Purpose: Amount of units being trained
Note: Note that only the FIRST unit in each building is considered as being trained so if a town centre has 4 villagers being made, there is 1 archer that is being trained and 3 villagers that are in queue
82. Start with Unit 444 (PTWC)¶
ID: 82
Purpose: Boolean: started with PTWC
Note: Setting this to 1 in an RMS allows for starting with PTWC. Manually changing this in the editor does nothing
83. Boarding Recharge Rate¶
ID: 83
Purpose: ABGAL faith recharge rate amount
Note: This is similar to monk's faith except for a special ship unit 536 called the ABGAL in the editor that can convert ships form 1 range away
84. Starting Villagers¶
ID: 84
Purpose: Number of starting villagers
Default Values:
- 3: Default
- 4: Mayans
- 6: Chinese
Note: Only works for RMS, changing this manually in the editor does nothing
85. Research Cost Modifier¶
ID: 85
Purpose: Multiply technology costs by this value
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 0.9: Chinese in feudal age
- 0.85: Chinese in castle age
- 0.80: Chinese in imperial age
86. Research Time Modifier¶
ID: 86
Purpose: Multiply technology research times by this value
87. Convert Boats¶
ID: 87
Purpose: Boolean: allow monks to convert boats
Default Values:
- 0: No
- 1: Yes (default)
88. Fish Trap Food Amount¶
ID: 88
Purpose: Maximum fishtrap food amount
Default Values:
- 710: Default
- 2130: Malay
89. Heal Rate Modifier¶
ID: 89
Purpose: Monk healing rate modifier
Default Values:
- 0: The unit of measuremeant for this is unknown
90. Healing Range¶
ID: 90
Purpose: Monk heal range
Default Values:
- 4: Tiles
91. Starting Food¶
ID: 91
Purpose: Starting food amount
Note: Only works for RMS, changing this manually in the editor does nothing but its a way to check starting food amount
92. Starting Wood¶
ID: 92
Purpose: Starting wood amount
Note: Only works for RMS, changing this manually in the editor does nothing but its a way to check starting wood amount
93. Starting Stone¶
ID: 93
Purpose: Starting stone amount
Note: Only works for RMS, changing this manually in the editor does nothing but its a way to check starting stone amount
94. Starting Gold¶
ID: 94
Purpose: Starting gold amount
Note: Only works for RMS, changing this manually in the editor does nothing but its a way to check starting gold amount
95. Enable PTWC / Kidnap / Loot¶
ID: 95
Purpose: Enable town centre packing for the source player
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: Allows the TC to be packed and moved
- \(\geq\)2: No noticeable effect
Note: Enabling kidnap/loot requires modding the units to have the kidnap/pillage action
96. No Dropsite Farmers¶
ID: 96
Purpose: Enable Khmer farmer bonus
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: Khmer. Farmers no longer need dropoff and steadily gain resources while farming
97. Dominant Sheep Control¶
ID: 97
Purpose: Boolean: force sheep conversion
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- \(\geq\)1: Celts
Note: If this is set to a non zero value, other players' sheep convert to you even if they have a unit in their LOS, unless this is also a non zero value for them. Celt sheep bonus
98. Building Cost Sum¶
ID: 98
Purpose: Total cost of all units and buildings owned
99. Tech Cost Sum¶
ID: 99
Purpose: Total cost of all researches researched
100. Relic Income Sum¶
ID: 100
Purpose: Total relic gold generated
101. Trade Income Sum¶
ID: 101
Purpose: Total trade gold generated
102. Unused Resource 102¶
ID: 102
Purpose: Unused
103. Unused Resource 103¶
ID: 103
Purpose: Unused
104. Unused Resource 104¶
ID: 104
Purpose: Unused
105. Unused Resource 105¶
ID: 105
Purpose: Unused
106. Unused Resource 106¶
ID: 106
Purpose: Unused
107. Unused Resource 107¶
ID: 107
Purpose: Unused
108. Unused Resource 108¶
ID: 108
Purpose: Unused
109. Unused Resource 109¶
ID: 109
Purpose: Unused
110. Unused Resource 110¶
ID: 110
Purpose: Unused
111. Unused Resource 111¶
ID: 111
Purpose: Unused
112. Unused Resource 112¶
ID: 112
Purpose: Unused
113. Unused Resource 113¶
ID: 113
Purpose: Unused
114. Unused Resource 114¶
ID: 114
Purpose: Unused
115. Unused Resource 115¶
ID: 115
Purpose: Unused
116. Unused Resource 116¶
ID: 116
Purpose: Unused
117. Unused Resource 117¶
ID: 117
Purpose: Unused
118. Unused Resource 118¶
ID: 118
Purpose: Unused
119. Unused Resource 119¶
ID: 119
Purpose: Unused
120. Unused Resource 120¶
ID: 120
Purpose: Unused
121. Unused Resource 121¶
ID: 121
Purpose: Unused
122. Unused Resource 122¶
ID: 122
Purpose: Unused
123. Unused Resource 123¶
ID: 123
Purpose: Unused
124. Unused Resource 124¶
ID: 124
Purpose: Unused
125. Unused Resource 125¶
ID: 125
Purpose: Unused
126. Unused Resource 126¶
ID: 126
Purpose: Unused
127. Unused Resource 127¶
ID: 127
Purpose: Unused
128. Unused Resource 128¶
ID: 128
Purpose: Unused
129. Unused Resource 129¶
ID: 129
Purpose: Unused
130. Unused Resource 130¶
ID: 130
Purpose: Unused
131. Unused Resource 131¶
ID: 131
Purpose: Unused
132. Unused Resource 132¶
ID: 132
Purpose: Unused
133. Unused Resource 133¶
ID: 133
Purpose: Unused
134. Standing Castles¶
ID: 134
Purpose: Number of standing castles
135. Hit Points Razed¶
ID: 135
Purpose: Total HP of all buildings destroyed
136. Unused Resource 136¶
ID: 136
Purpose: Unused
137. Unused Resource 137¶
ID: 137
Purpose: Unused
138. Unused Resource 138¶
ID: 138
Purpose: Unused
139. Unused Resource 139¶
ID: 139
Purpose: Unused
140. Unused Resource 140¶
ID: 140
Purpose: Unused
141. Unused Resource 141¶
ID: 141
Purpose: Unused
142. Unused Resource 142¶
ID: 142
Purpose: Unused
143. Unused Resource 143¶
ID: 143
Purpose: Unused
144. Unused Resource 144¶
ID: 144
Purpose: Unused
145. Unused Resource 145¶
ID: 145
Purpose: Unused
146. Unused Resource 146¶
ID: 146
Purpose: Unused
147. Unused Resource 147¶
ID: 147
Purpose: Unused
148. Unused Resource 148¶
ID: 148
Purpose: Unused
149. Unused Resource 149¶
ID: 149
Purpose: Unused
150. Unused Resource 150¶
ID: 150
Purpose: Unused
151. Unused Resource 151¶
ID: 151
Purpose: Unused
152. Value Killed by Others¶
ID: 152
Purpose: Total cost of all own units lost
153. Value Razed by Others¶
ID: 153
Purpose: Total cost of all own buildings lost
154. Killed by Others¶
ID: 154
Purpose: Number of own units killed by other players
155. Razed by Others¶
ID: 155
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by other players
156. Unused Resource 156¶
ID: 156
Purpose: Unused
157. Unused Resource 157¶
ID: 157
Purpose: Unused
158. Unused Resource 158¶
ID: 158
Purpose: Unused
159. Unused Resource 159¶
ID: 159
Purpose: Unused
160. Unused Resource 160¶
ID: 160
Purpose: Unused
161. Unused Resource 161¶
ID: 161
Purpose: Unused
162. Unused Resource 162¶
ID: 162
Purpose: Unused
163. Unused Resource 163¶
ID: 163
Purpose: Unused
164. Value Current Units¶
ID: 164
Purpose: Total cost of all own alive units
165. Value Current Buildings¶
ID: 165
Purpose: Total cost of all own standing buildings
166. Food Total¶
ID: 166
Purpose: Total food collected
167. Wood Total¶
ID: 167
Purpose: Total wood collected
168. Stone Total¶
ID: 168
Purpose: Total stone collected
169. Gold Total¶
ID: 169
Purpose: Total gold collected
170. Total Value of Kills¶
ID: 170
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed
171. Total Tribute Received¶
ID: 171
Purpose: Total of all resources received in tribute
172. Total Value of Razings¶
ID: 172
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed
173. Total Castles Built¶
ID: 173
Purpose: Number of total castles built
174. Total Wonders Built¶
ID: 174
Purpose: Number of total wonders built
175. Tribute score¶
ID: 175
Purpose: Total amount of resources sent in tribute including taxes. 10% of this is counted towards the economy score
176. Convert Min Adjustment¶
ID: 176
Purpose: Additional monk seconds needed before a conversion is even possible
Note: A great explanation of how this works here by T-West
177. Convert Max Adjustment¶
ID: 177
Purpose: Additional monk seconds needed before a conversion is forced
Note: A great explanation of how this works here by T-West
178. Convert Resist Min Adjustment¶
ID: 178
Purpose: Additional monk seconds needed before conversion by enemy monks is even possible
Note: A great explanation of how this works here by T-West
179. Convert Resist Max Adjustment¶
ID: 179
Purpose: Additional monk seconds needed before conversion by enemy monks is forced
Note: A great explanation of how this works here by T-West.
180. Convert Building Min¶
ID: 180
Purpose: Minimum time required to convert a building
Note: A great explanation of how this works here by T-West
181. Convert Building Max¶
ID: 181
Purpose: Maximum time required to convert a building
Note: A great explanation for how this works here by T-West
182. Convert Building Chance¶
ID: 182
Purpose: Percent chance for monks to convert buildings
Note: A great explanation for how this works here by T-West
183. Reveal Enemy¶
ID: 183
Purpose: Boolean: show enemy los for the source player
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after Spies
Note: Once set to
, setting it back to0
won't take away LoS of enemies!
184. Value Wonders Castles¶
ID: 184
Purpose: Total cost of all wonders and castles constructed
185. Food Score¶
ID: 185
Purpose: Unknown... what does this resource do?
186. Wood Score¶
ID: 186
Purpose: Unknown... what does this resource do?
187. Stone Score¶
ID: 187
Purpose: Unknown... what does this resource do?
188. Gold Score¶
ID: 188
Purpose: Unknown... what does this resource do?
189. Chopping Productivity¶
ID: 189
Purpose: Multiplier for wood chopped by lumberjacks
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 1.15: Mayans
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a villager, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate. In the case of Mayans, This is compensated for by reducing villager work rate by 15%
190. Food Gathering Productivity¶
ID: 190
Purpose: Multiplier for food gathered from all sources
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 1.15: Mayans
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a villager, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate. In the case of Mayans, This is compensated for by reducing villager work rate by 15%. The work rate for farmers is reduced by about 23.4%
191. Relic Gold Production Rate¶
ID: 191
Purpose: Relic gold generation rate in gold per minute
Default Values:
- 30: Default. 30 gold per minute (0.5 gold per second)
- 15: After getting hit with Atheism
192. Converted Units Die¶
ID: 192
Purpose: Boolean: converted units die instead of switching over to the enemy
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after Heresey
193. Theocracy¶
ID: 193
Purpose: Boolean: only one monk needs to regen faith after group conversion for the source player
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after researching Theocracy
194. Crenellations¶
ID: 194
Purpose: Boolean: Garrisoned infantry fire arrows
Default Values:
- 0: No (default)
- 1: Yes, after crenellations
195. Construction Rate Modifier¶
ID: 195
Purpose: Builder work rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1.3: Spanish
Note: The actual work rate for builders is given by
construction_rate_mod * builder.default_work_rate
196. Hun Wonder Discount¶
ID: 196
Purpose: Additional time required for relic/wonder victories in one tenth of a year
Default Values:
- 0: default
- 1000: (100 years) for the Hun player, after researching atheism. The value of this resource of each player is added to determine the total extra time for relic/wonder victories, i.e. it adds up if multiple hun players get the tech
Note: Internally, relic and wonder victory countdowns are measured in one tenths of an year, the fractional part is just not shown ingame
197. Spies Discount¶
ID: 197
Purpose: Boolean: Halves the cost of spies per villager, and caps it at 15k gold max instead of the usual 30k
Default Values:
- 0: Default
198. Unused Resource 198¶
ID: 198
Purpose: Unused
199. Unused Resource 199¶
ID: 199
Purpose: Unused
200. Unused Resource 200¶
ID: 200
Purpose: Unused
201. Unused Resource 201¶
ID: 201
Purpose: Unused
202. Unused Resource 202¶
ID: 202
Purpose: Unused
203. Unused Resource 203¶
ID: 203
Purpose: Unused
204. Unused Resource 204¶
ID: 204
Purpose: Unused
205. Feitoria Food Productivity¶
ID: 205
Purpose: Feitoria food production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of food obtained from owning
number of Feitorias is given byn * feitoria_food_productivity * 1.6
206. Feitoria Wood Productivity¶
ID: 206
Purpose: Feitoria wood production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of wood obtained from owning
number of Feitorias is given byn * feitoria_wood_productivity * 0.7
207. Feitoria Stone Productivity¶
ID: 207
Purpose: Feitoria stone production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of stone obtained from owning
number of Feitorias is given byn * feitoria_stone_productivity * 0.3
208. Feitoria Gold Productivity¶
ID: 208
Purpose: Feitoria gold production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of gold obtained from owning
number of Feitorias is given byn * feitoria_gold_productivity * 1
209. Reveal Enemy Town Centers¶
ID: 209
Purpose: Boolean: reveal enemy town centre location for the source player
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 5: Vietnamese
Note: The bonus works for all values \(\geq\)1, the choice of setting it to 5 for vietnamese seems arbitrary
210. Relics Visible on Map¶
ID: 210
Purpose: Boolean: reveal relics on map amount
Default Values:
- -1: Default
- 42: Burmese
Note: Burmese reveal relics on map bonus. Only works in RMS, manually changing this in the editor does not seem to have any effects
211. Elevation Higher Bonus¶
ID: 211
Purpose: The fraction for additional bonus damage dealt from higher elevation
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 0.25: Tatars
Note: Damage that units on higher elevation deal to units on lower elevation is multiplied by
1.25 + elevation_bonus_higher
212. Elevation Lower Bonus¶
ID: 212
Purpose: The fraction for additional bonus damage dealt from lower elevation
Default Values:
- 0: Default
Note: Damage that units on lower elevation deal to units on higher elevation is multiplied by
0.75 + elevation_bonus_lower
213. Raiding Productivity¶
ID: 213
Purpose: Keshik gold generation rate per 100 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 50: (0.5 g/s) Tatars
Note: Note that in practice, due to attack reload time and frame delay, Keshiks don't actually produce 0.5 g/s, but a slightly lower value
214. Mercenary Kipchak Count¶
ID: 214
Purpose: Total number of mercenary kipchak creatable
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 10: after a Cuman ally researches Cuman Mercenaries
Note: Researching Cuman Mercenaries sets this to 10. Making mercenary Kipchaks costs one unit of this resource
215. Mercenary Kipchak Limit¶
ID: 215
Purpose: Number of mercenary kipchaks created/queued
Note: Making mercenary Kipchaks gives one unit of this resource
216. Shepherd Productivity¶
ID: 216
Purpose: Amount of food collected from sheep multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 1.57: Tatars
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a villager, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate. In the case of Tatars, This is compensated for by reducing villager work rate by 57%
217. Shared Line of Sight¶
ID: 217
Purpose: Unknown... what does this resource do?
218. Early Town Center Limit¶
ID: 218
Purpose: This is the number of extra TCs a player is allowed to build IF TCs are enabled in feudal age
Default Values:
- 1: Default
- 2: Cumans
Note: Since generic civs don't get access to TCs in feudal, the 10k amount doesn't matter, but if you're trying to make a map where you want people to be able to make TCs in feudal, make sure to set this value to 10k for cumans!
219. Fishing Productivity¶
ID: 219
Purpose: Multiplier for food gathered by fishing ships
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: Since this works by multiplying the amount of resources gathered by a fishing ship, it has a side effect of increasing the gather rate
220. Unused Resource 220¶
ID: 220
Purpose: Unused
221. Monument Food Productivity¶
ID: 221
Purpose: Monument food trickle rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: In KoTH games
Note: The amount of resources obtained by owning a monument is
0.7925 * food_trickle_from_monument
222. Monument Wood Productivity¶
ID: 222
Purpose: Monument wood trickle rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: In KoTH games
Note: The amount of resources obtained by owning a monument is
0.7925 * wood_trickle_from_monument
223. Monument Stone Productivity¶
ID: 223
Purpose: Monument stone trickle rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: In KoTH games
Note: The amount of resources obtained by owning a monument is
0.7925 * stone_trickle_from_monument
224. Monument Gold Productivity¶
ID: 224
Purpose: Monument gold trickle rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: In KoTH games
Note: The amount of resources obtained by owning a monument is
0.7925 * gold_trickle_from_monument
225. Relic Food Production Rate¶
ID: 225
Purpose: Relic food production per minute
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 30: Burgundians
- 15: Burgundians after getting hit with Atheism
226. Villagers Killed by Gaia¶
ID: 226
Purpose: Total number of villagers lost to gaia
227. Villagers Killed by Animals¶
ID: 227
Purpose: Total number of villagers lost to wild animals
228. Villagers Killed by AI Player¶
ID: 228
Purpose: Total number of villagers lost to AIs
229. Villagers Killed by Human Player¶
ID: 229
Purpose: Total number of villagers lost to human players
230. Food Generation Rate¶
ID: 230
Purpose: Free food trickle rate (per minute)
231. Wood Generation Rate¶
ID: 231
Purpose: Free wood trickle rate (per minute)
232. Stone Generation Rate¶
ID: 232
Purpose: Free stone trickle rate (per minute)
233. Gold Generation Rate¶
ID: 233
Purpose: Free gold trickle rate (per minute)
234. Spawn Limit¶
ID: 234
Purpose: The limit to the number of spawning buildings that can spawn units from spawn command in a technology
Note: This is usually overridden by techs
235. Flemish Militia Population¶
ID: 235
Purpose: Number of alive flemish militia
236. Farming Gold Productivity¶
ID: 236
Purpose: Farming gold generation rate per 100 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 2: (0.02 g/s per farmer) after Burgundian Vineyards
Note: Only generates gold while collecting food from farms, and not when walking on them down
237. Folwark Collection Amount¶
ID: 237
Purpose: This is the amount of food collected from farms built around a folwark
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 17.5: Poles
- 19.25: Poles with Chinese Ally
- 25: Poles with Horse Collar
- 27.5: Poles with Horse Collar & Chinese Ally
- 37.5: Poles with Heavy Plow
- 41.25: Poles with Heavy Plow & Chinese Ally
- 55: Poles with Crop Rotation
- 60.5: Poles with Crop Rotation & Chinese Ally
238. Folwark Attribute Type¶
ID: 238
Purpose: This is the ID of the resource that is given when a farm is constructed around a folwark
Default Values:
- 0: Poles
- -1: Default
239. Folwark Building Type¶
ID: 239
Purpose: This is the ID of the building that the Folwark needs to upgrade from for the farm collection ability to work
Default Values:
- 68: (Mill) Poles
- -1: Default
240. Units Converted¶
ID: 240
Purpose: The amount of units lost to enemy conversions
241. Stone Mining Gold Productivity¶
ID: 241
Purpose: Stone mining gold generation rate per 100 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 18: Poles
- 20.7: Poles with Stone Mining
- 23.805: Poles with Stone Shaft Mining
242. Trade Workshop Food Productivity¶
ID: 242
Purpose: Trade Workshop food production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of food obtained from owning
number of TWS (Unit 1647) is given byn * tws_food_productivity * 2.25
243. Trade Workshop Wood Productivity¶
ID: 243
Purpose: Trade Workshop wood production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of wood obtained from owning
number of TWS (Unit 1647) is given byn * tws_wood_productivity * 2.25
244. Trade Workshop Stone Productivity¶
ID: 244
Purpose: Trade Workshop stone production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 0: Default
Note: The amount of stone obtained from owning
number of TWS (Unit 1647) is given byn * tws_stone_productivity * 2.25
245. Trade Workshop Gold Productivity¶
ID: 245
Purpose: Trade Workshop gold production rate multiplier
Default Values:
- 1: Default
Note: The amount of gold obtained from owning
number of TWS (Unit 1647) is given byn * tws_gold_productivity * 2.25
246. Units Value Total¶
ID: 246
Purpose: Total cost of all units created so far
Note: This does not decrease when the units die
247. Buildings Value Total¶
ID: 247
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings created so far
Note: Increases when foundations are placed. This does not decrease if the foundation is deleted
248. Villagers Created Total¶
ID: 248
Purpose: Total number of villagers created so far
249. Villagers Idle Periods Total¶
ID: 249
Purpose: Amount of villagers that entered an idle state since game start
- This only updates every 5 physical minutes.
- The number of villagers that entered an idle state since the last updated is added to this resource.
- Starting villager count is the initial value
250. Villagers Idle Seconds Total¶
ID: 250
Purpose: Amount of total seconds all villagers have been idle since game start
- This only updates every 5 physical minutes.
- The idle time in seconds for all villagers since the last time this resource was updated is added to this resource.
- A villager immediately adds its own idle time to this resource if it dies
251. Trade Food Percent¶
ID: 251
Purpose: Percentage of gold generated from trade that is also given as food
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 10: Bengalis
252. Trade Wood Percent¶
ID: 252
Purpose: Percentage of gold generated from trade that is also given as wood
Default Values:
- 0: Default
253. Trade Stone Percent¶
ID: 253
Purpose: Percentage of gold generated from trade that is also given as stone
Default Values:
- 0: Default
254. Livestock Food Productivity¶
ID: 254
Purpose: Garrisoned herdable food generation rate per 60 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 3.5: (0.0583 f/s per herdable) Gurjaras
255. Speed Up Building Type¶
ID: 255
Purpose: This is the ID of the building to use for the speed up effect.
Default Values:
- 1754: (Caravanserai) Default
Note: See also:
256. Speed Up Building Range¶
ID: 256
Purpose: This specifies the range (in tiles) of the area created around the building (Speed Up Building Type) (square, from the edges of the building) for the speed up effect
Default Values:
- 8: Default
Note: See also:
257. Speed Up Percentage¶
ID: 257
Purpose: The formulae given below are used with this resource as the
to adjust the attribute (Speed Up Effect Type) of all units of class (Speed Up Object Type) when they are in the range of the speed up effect -
Default Values:
- 0.2: Default
Note: For each of the attributes that work with this resource, the new value to set is determined using the following formulae:
new_workrate = original + value
new_movement_speed = original * (1 + value)
new_regeneration_rate = original + (3600/value)
See also:
258. Speed Up Object Type¶
ID: 258
Purpose: This is
900 + class_id
for the class of units that should be affected by the speed up effect -
Default Values:
- 919: (Trade Cart class) Default
Note: See also:
259. Speed Up Effect Type¶
ID: 259
Purpose: The ID of the attribute that is modified by the speed up effect. Only 5 (Movement Speed), 13 (Work Rate) and 109 (Regeneration) have been found to work so far
Default Values:
- 5: (Movement Speed) Default
Note: See also:
260. Speed Up Secondary Effect Type¶
ID: 260
Purpose: This is the ID of the secondary attribute that is modified by the speed up effect. Only 5 (Movement Speed), 13 (Work Rate) and 109 (Regeneration) have been found to work so far
Default Values:
- 109: (Regeneration Rate) Default
Note: See also:
261. Speed Up Secondary Percentage¶
ID: 261
Purpose: This amount is added to the secondary attribute (Speed Up Secondary Effect Type) of all units of class (Speed Up Object Type) when they are in the range of the speed up effect
Default Values:
- 60: Default
Note: See also:
262. Civilization Name Override¶
ID: 262
263. Starting Scout ID¶
ID: 263
Purpose: Unit ID for the starting scout. Can be set to any unit (even buildings)
Default Values:
- 448: (Scout Cavalry) Default
- 751: (Eagle Scout) Aztecs, Incas and Mayans
- 1755: (Camel Scout) Gurjaras
264. Relic Wood Production Rate¶
ID: 264
Purpose: Relic wood production per minute
Default Values:
- 0: Default
Note: This is not affected by Atheism
265. Relic Stone Production Rate¶
ID: 265
Purpose: Relic stone production per minute
Note: This is not affected by Atheism
266. Chopping Gold Productivity¶
ID: 266
Purpose: Lumberjack chopping gold generation rate per 100 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1.5: (0.015 g/s per lumberjack) Vietnamese with paper money
- 1.8: (0.018 g/s per lumberjack) Vietnamese with paper money & Double Bit Axe
- 2.16: (0.0216 g/s per lumberjack) Vietnamese with paper money & Double Bit Axe & Bow Saw
- 2.376: (0.02376 g/s per lumberjack) Vietnamese with paper money & Double Bit Axe & Bow Saw & Two-Man Saw
Note: Only generates gold while collecting wood from trees, and not when cutting them down
267. Foraging Wood Productivity¶
ID: 267
Purpose: Forager foraging wood generation rate per 100 seconds
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 10.4753: (0.104753 w/s per forager) Portuguese
268. Hunter Productivity¶
ID: 268
Purpose: Hunter hunting gold production rate per 100 seconds
269. Technology Reward Effect¶
ID: 269
Purpose: This is the ID of an additional effect which will fire when any technology is researched
270. Unit Repair Cost¶
ID: 270
Purpose: Percentage of cost required to repair siege units and ships
271. Building Repair Cost¶
ID: 271
Purpose: Percentage of cost required to repair buildings
272. Elevation Higher Damage¶
ID: 272
Purpose: Damage modifier for own units when attacked from higher elevation
Note: This is applied after the calculations from Elevation Higher Bonus and Elevation Lower Bonus
273. Elevation Lower Damage¶
ID: 273
Purpose: Damage modifier for own units when attacked from lower elevation
Note: This is applied after the calculations from Elevation Higher Bonus and Elevation Lower Bonus
274. Infantry Kill Reward¶
ID: 274
Purpose: This resource currently effectively enables/disables gold generation per second by infantry killing villagers, trade units and monks
Default Values:
- 0: All Civs
- 1: Vikings after Chieftains
Note: Technically, this resource is used as a multiplier for the resource generated by task 154 currently on infantry units. Task 154 can change which resource does this, and it is what really controls which resource is generated (Resource Out) and the rate of generation (Work Value 1) which is set to the different rates for different types of targets for infantry
275. Unused Resource 275¶
ID: 275
Purpose: Unused
276. Unused Resource 276¶
ID: 276
Purpose: Unused
277. Unused Resource 277¶
ID: 277
Purpose: Unused
278. Unused Resource 278¶
ID: 278
Purpose: Unused
279. Military Can Convert¶
ID: 279
Purpose: Military units with the conversion task can convert units if this is set to \(>\) 0 for a player
280. Military Convert Range¶
ID: 280
Purpose: Adds to the conversion range of military units
281. Military Convert Chance¶
ID: 281
Purpose: Determines the conversion probability per monk second
282. Military Convert Recharge¶
ID: 282
Purpose: Determines the faith recharge rate after successful conversions
283. Spawn Inside¶
ID: 283
Purpose: Determines whenever spawned unit via
or certain techs is spawned garrisoned or outside -
Default Values:
- 0: All Civs
- 1: Set briefly for the Armenians after their first Fortified Church is built to spawn the relic garrisoned.
Note: This is usually overridden by techs
284. Cavalry Kill Reward¶
ID: 284
Purpose: This resource effectively sets the gold generation rate per second by cavalry fighting other military units
Default Values:
- 0: All Civs
Note: Technically, this resource is used as a multiplier for the resource generated by task 154 currently on cavalry units. Task 154 can change which resource does this, and it is also what really controls which resource is generated (Resource Out) and the rate of generation (Work Value 1) which is just set to 1 for cavalry.
285. Trigger Shared Visibility¶
ID: 285
Purpose: Unknown
286. Trigger Shared Exploration¶
ID: 286
Purpose: Unknown
287. Unused Resource 287¶
ID: 287
Purpose: Unused
288. Unused Resource 288¶
ID: 288
Purpose: Unused
289. Unused Resource 289¶
ID: 289
Purpose: Unused
290. Unused Resource 290¶
ID: 290
Purpose: Unused
291. Unused Resource 291¶
ID: 291
Purpose: Unused
292. Unused Resource 292¶
ID: 292
Purpose: Unused
293. Unused Resource 293¶
ID: 293
Purpose: Unused
294. Unused Resource 294¶
ID: 294
Purpose: Unused
295. Unused Resource 295¶
ID: 295
Purpose: Unused
296. Unused Resource 296¶
ID: 296
Purpose: Unused
297. Unused Resource 297¶
ID: 297
Purpose: Unused
298. Unused Resource 298¶
ID: 298
Purpose: Unused
299. Unused Resource 299¶
ID: 299
Purpose: Unused
300. Killed Gaia¶
ID: 300
Purpose: Number of gaia units killed
301. Killed P1¶
ID: 301
Purpose: Number of player 1 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
302. Killed P2¶
ID: 302
Purpose: Number of player 2 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
303. Killed P3¶
ID: 303
Purpose: Number of player 3 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
304. Killed P4¶
ID: 304
Purpose: Number of player 4 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
305. Killed P5¶
ID: 305
Purpose: Number of player 5 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
306. Killed P6¶
ID: 306
Purpose: Number of player 6 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
307. Killed P7¶
ID: 307
Purpose: Number of player 7 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
308. Killed P8¶
ID: 308
Purpose: Number of player 8 units killed
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
309. Unused Resource 309¶
ID: 309
Purpose: Unused
310. Unused Resource 310¶
ID: 310
Purpose: Unused
311. Unused Resource 311¶
ID: 311
Purpose: Unused
312. Unused Resource 312¶
ID: 312
Purpose: Unused
313. Unused Resource 313¶
ID: 313
Purpose: Unused
314. Unused Resource 314¶
ID: 314
Purpose: Unused
315. Unused Resource 315¶
ID: 315
Purpose: Unused
316. Unused Resource 316¶
ID: 316
Purpose: Unused
317. Unused Resource 317¶
ID: 317
Purpose: Unused
318. Unused Resource 318¶
ID: 318
Purpose: Unused
319. Unused Resource 319¶
ID: 319
Purpose: Unused
320. Unused Resource 320¶
ID: 320
Purpose: Unused
321. Unused Resource 321¶
ID: 321
Purpose: Unused
322. Unused Resource 322¶
ID: 322
Purpose: Unused
323. Unused Resource 323¶
ID: 323
Purpose: Unused
324. Unused Resource 324¶
ID: 324
Purpose: Unused
325. Kills by Gaia¶
ID: 325
Purpose: Number of own units killed by Gaia
326. Kills by P1¶
ID: 326
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
327. Kills by P2¶
ID: 327
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
328. Kills by P3¶
ID: 328
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
329. Kills by P4¶
ID: 329
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
330. Kills by P5¶
ID: 330
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
331. Kills by P6¶
ID: 331
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
332. Kills by P7¶
ID: 332
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
333. Kills by P8¶
ID: 333
Purpose: Number of own units killed by player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
334. Unused Resource 334¶
ID: 334
Purpose: Unused
335. Unused Resource 335¶
ID: 335
Purpose: Unused
336. Unused Resource 336¶
ID: 336
Purpose: Unused
337. Unused Resource 337¶
ID: 337
Purpose: Unused
338. Unused Resource 338¶
ID: 338
Purpose: Unused
339. Unused Resource 339¶
ID: 339
Purpose: Unused
340. Unused Resource 340¶
ID: 340
Purpose: Unused
341. Unused Resource 341¶
ID: 341
Purpose: Unused
342. Unused Resource 342¶
ID: 342
Purpose: Unused
343. Unused Resource 343¶
ID: 343
Purpose: Unused
344. Unused Resource 344¶
ID: 344
Purpose: Unused
345. Unused Resource 345¶
ID: 345
Purpose: Unused
346. Unused Resource 346¶
ID: 346
Purpose: Unused
347. Unused Resource 347¶
ID: 347
Purpose: Unused
348. Unused Resource 348¶
ID: 348
Purpose: Unused
349. Unused Resource 349¶
ID: 349
Purpose: Unused
350. Gaia Razings¶
ID: 350
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of Gaia
351. P1 Razings¶
ID: 351
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
352. P2 Razings¶
ID: 352
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
353. P3 Razings¶
ID: 353
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
354. P4 Razings¶
ID: 354
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
355. P5 Razings¶
ID: 355
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
356. P6 Razings¶
ID: 356
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
357. P7 Razings¶
ID: 357
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
358. P8 Razings¶
ID: 358
Purpose: Number of buildings destroyed of player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
359. Unused Resource 359¶
ID: 359
Purpose: Unused
360. Unused Resource 360¶
ID: 360
Purpose: Unused
361. Unused Resource 361¶
ID: 361
Purpose: Unused
362. Unused Resource 362¶
ID: 362
Purpose: Unused
363. Unused Resource 363¶
ID: 363
Purpose: Unused
364. Unused Resource 364¶
ID: 364
Purpose: Unused
365. Unused Resource 365¶
ID: 365
Purpose: Unused
366. Unused Resource 366¶
ID: 366
Purpose: Unused
367. Unused Resource 367¶
ID: 367
Purpose: Unused
368. Unused Resource 368¶
ID: 368
Purpose: Unused
369. Unused Resource 369¶
ID: 369
Purpose: Unused
370. Unused Resource 370¶
ID: 370
Purpose: Unused
371. Unused Resource 371¶
ID: 371
Purpose: Unused
372. Unused Resource 372¶
ID: 372
Purpose: Unused
373. Unused Resource 373¶
ID: 373
Purpose: Unused
374. Unused Resource 374¶
ID: 374
Purpose: Unused
375. Razings by Gaia¶
ID: 375
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by Gaia
376. Razings by P1¶
ID: 376
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
377. Razings by P2¶
ID: 377
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
378. Razings by P3¶
ID: 378
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
379. Razings by P4¶
ID: 379
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
380. Razings by P5¶
ID: 380
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
381. Razings by P6¶
ID: 381
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
382. Razings by P7¶
ID: 382
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
383. Razings by P8¶
ID: 383
Purpose: Number of own buildings destroyed by player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
384. Unused Resource 384¶
ID: 384
Purpose: Unused
385. Unused Resource 385¶
ID: 385
Purpose: Unused
386. Unused Resource 386¶
ID: 386
Purpose: Unused
387. Unused Resource 387¶
ID: 387
Purpose: Unused
388. Unused Resource 388¶
ID: 388
Purpose: Unused
389. Unused Resource 389¶
ID: 389
Purpose: Unused
390. Unused Resource 390¶
ID: 390
Purpose: Unused
391. Unused Resource 391¶
ID: 391
Purpose: Unused
392. Unused Resource 392¶
ID: 392
Purpose: Unused
393. Unused Resource 393¶
ID: 393
Purpose: Unused
394. Unused Resource 394¶
ID: 394
Purpose: Unused
395. Unused Resource 395¶
ID: 395
Purpose: Unused
396. Unused Resource 396¶
ID: 396
Purpose: Unused
397. Unused Resource 397¶
ID: 397
Purpose: Unused
398. Unused Resource 398¶
ID: 398
Purpose: Unused
399. Unused Resource 399¶
ID: 399
Purpose: Unused
400. Gaia Kill Value¶
ID: 400
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of Gaia
401. P1 Kill Value¶
ID: 401
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
402. P2 Kill Value¶
ID: 402
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
403. P3 Kill Value¶
ID: 403
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
404. P4 Kill Value¶
ID: 404
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
405. P5 Kill Value¶
ID: 405
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
406. P6 Kill Value¶
ID: 406
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
407. P7 Kill Value¶
ID: 407
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
408. P8 Kill Value¶
ID: 408
Purpose: Total cost of all units killed of player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
409. Unused Resource 409¶
ID: 409
Purpose: Unused
410. Unused Resource 410¶
ID: 410
Purpose: Unused
411. Unused Resource 411¶
ID: 411
Purpose: Unused
412. Unused Resource 412¶
ID: 412
Purpose: Unused
413. Unused Resource 413¶
ID: 413
Purpose: Unused
414. Unused Resource 414¶
ID: 414
Purpose: Unused
415. Unused Resource 415¶
ID: 415
Purpose: Unused
416. Unused Resource 416¶
ID: 416
Purpose: Unused
417. Unused Resource 417¶
ID: 417
Purpose: Unused
418. Unused Resource 418¶
ID: 418
Purpose: Unused
419. Unused Resource 419¶
ID: 419
Purpose: Unused
420. Unused Resource 420¶
ID: 420
Purpose: Unused
421. Unused Resource 421¶
ID: 421
Purpose: Unused
422. Unused Resource 422¶
ID: 422
Purpose: Unused
423. Unused Resource 423¶
ID: 423
Purpose: Unused
424. Unused Resource 424¶
ID: 424
Purpose: Unused
425. Gaia Razing Value¶
ID: 425
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of Gaia
426. P1 Razing Value¶
ID: 426
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
427. P2 Razing Value¶
ID: 427
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
428. P3 Razing Value¶
ID: 428
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
429. P4 Razing Value¶
ID: 429
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
430. P5 Razing Value¶
ID: 430
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
431. P6 Razing Value¶
ID: 431
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
432. P7 Razing Value¶
ID: 432
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
433. P8 Razing Value¶
ID: 433
Purpose: Total cost of all buildings destroyed of player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
434. Unused Resource 434¶
ID: 434
Purpose: Unused
435. Unused Resource 435¶
ID: 435
Purpose: Unused
436. Unused Resource 436¶
ID: 436
Purpose: Unused
437. Unused Resource 437¶
ID: 437
Purpose: Unused
438. Unused Resource 438¶
ID: 438
Purpose: Unused
439. Unused Resource 439¶
ID: 439
Purpose: Unused
440. Unused Resource 440¶
ID: 440
Purpose: Unused
441. Unused Resource 441¶
ID: 441
Purpose: Unused
442. Unused Resource 442¶
ID: 442
Purpose: Unused
443. Unused Resource 443¶
ID: 443
Purpose: Unused
444. Unused Resource 444¶
ID: 444
Purpose: Unused
445. Unused Resource 445¶
ID: 445
Purpose: Unused
446. Unused Resource 446¶
ID: 446
Purpose: Unused
447. Unused Resource 447¶
ID: 447
Purpose: Unused
448. Unused Resource 448¶
ID: 448
Purpose: Unused
449. Unused Resource 449¶
ID: 449
Purpose: Unused
450. Gaia Tribute¶
ID: 450
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to Gaia
451. P1 Tribute¶
ID: 451
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
452. P2 Tribute¶
ID: 452
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
453. P3 Tribute¶
ID: 453
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
454. P4 Tribute¶
ID: 454
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
455. P5 Tribute¶
ID: 455
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
456. P6 Tribute¶
ID: 456
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
457. P7 Tribute¶
ID: 457
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
458. P8 Tribute¶
ID: 458
Purpose: Amount of resources tributed to player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
459. Unused Resource 459¶
ID: 459
Purpose: Unused
460. Unused Resource 460¶
ID: 460
Purpose: Unused
461. Unused Resource 461¶
ID: 461
Purpose: Unused
462. Unused Resource 462¶
ID: 462
Purpose: Unused
463. Unused Resource 463¶
ID: 463
Purpose: Unused
464. Unused Resource 464¶
ID: 464
Purpose: Unused
465. Unused Resource 465¶
ID: 465
Purpose: Unused
466. Unused Resource 466¶
ID: 466
Purpose: Unused
467. Unused Resource 467¶
ID: 467
Purpose: Unused
468. Unused Resource 468¶
ID: 468
Purpose: Unused
469. Unused Resource 469¶
ID: 469
Purpose: Unused
470. Unused Resource 470¶
ID: 470
Purpose: Unused
471. Unused Resource 471¶
ID: 471
Purpose: Unused
472. Unused Resource 472¶
ID: 472
Purpose: Unused
473. Unused Resource 473¶
ID: 473
Purpose: Unused
474. Unused Resource 474¶
ID: 474
Purpose: Unused
475. Tribute from Gaia¶
ID: 475
Purpose: Tribute received from Gaia
476. Tribute from P1¶
ID: 476
Purpose: Tribute received from player 1
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 1, not editor/scenario player 1
477. Tribute from P2¶
ID: 477
Purpose: Tribute received from player 2
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 2, not editor/scenario player 2
478. Tribute from P3¶
ID: 478
Purpose: Tribute received from player 3
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 3, not editor/scenario player 3
479. Tribute from P4¶
ID: 479
Purpose: Tribute received from player 4
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 4, not editor/scenario player 4
480. Tribute from P5¶
ID: 480
Purpose: Tribute received from player 5
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 5, not editor/scenario player 5
481. Tribute from P6¶
ID: 481
Purpose: Tribute received from player 6
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 6, not editor/scenario player 6
482. Tribute from P7¶
ID: 482
Purpose: Tribute received from player 7
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 7, not editor/scenario player 7
483. Tribute from P8¶
ID: 483
Purpose: Tribute received from player 8
Note: This refers to lobby/slot/world player 8, not editor/scenario player 8
484. Unused Resource 484¶
ID: 484
Purpose: Unused
485. Unused Resource 485¶
ID: 485
Purpose: Unused
486. Unused Resource 486¶
ID: 486
Purpose: Unused
487. Unused Resource 487¶
ID: 487
Purpose: Unused
488. Unused Resource 488¶
ID: 488
Purpose: Unused
489. Unused Resource 489¶
ID: 489
Purpose: Unused
490. Unused Resource 490¶
ID: 490
Purpose: Unused
491. Unused Resource 491¶
ID: 491
Purpose: Unused
492. Unused Resource 492¶
ID: 492
Purpose: Unused
493. Unused Resource 493¶
ID: 493
Purpose: Unused
494. Unused Resource 494¶
ID: 494
Purpose: Unused
495. Unused Resource 495¶
ID: 495
Purpose: Unused
496. Unused Resource 496¶
ID: 496
Purpose: Unused
497. Unused Resource 497¶
ID: 497
Purpose: Unused
498. Unused Resource 498¶
ID: 498
Purpose: Unused
499. Unused Resource 499¶
ID: 499
Purpose: Unused
500. Unknown Resource 500¶
ID: 500
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
501. Maximum Polemarchs¶
ID: 501
Purpose: Hidden resource that is part of the cost of Polemarch. Incremented when the Polemarch dies, decremented when a Polemarch is trained. Increment this value to allow training of more Polemarchs.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
502. Chopping Food Productivity¶
ID: 502
Purpose: Chopping food generation rate per 100 seconds.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 4: Athenians
503. Trade Wood Percentage¶
ID: 503
Purpose: Amount of trade will be returned as wood instead of gold.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 0.25: Achaemenids, Athenians and Spartans.
Note: Changed in the Battle of Greece civs Port by a toggle to 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 or by researching equivalent tech in the editor. Setting it to 0.5 will return half the amount in gold and half in wood. Works for trade cogs only. Setting it to a value \(\geq\) 1 will make it so no trade resources are returned.
504. Unknown Resource 504¶
ID: 504
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
505. Unknown Resource 505¶
ID: 505
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: Achaemenids, Athenians and Spartans
506. Achamenids Town Center Upgrades¶
ID: 506
Purpose: Used as a local resource in Town Centers to know which of them have the Achamenids Town Center upgrade researched
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: Achaemenids, Athenians and Spartans
Note: Local Town Center resource is changed when its tech is researched. As a side effect its global player value will be decremented every time a Town Center is destroyed.
507. Unknown Resource 507¶
ID: 507
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: Athenians
Note: Athenians start with it set to 1 by initial Economic Policy.
508. Unknown Resource 508¶
ID: 508
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
509. Building Loot Productivity¶
ID: 509
Purpose: Gain gold when attacking buildings.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
Note: Formula is unknown, but the higher the resource the faster the gold gain is.
510. Unknown Resource 510¶
ID: 510
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
Default Values:
- 1: Spartans
Note: Spartans start with it set to 1.
511. Unknown Resource 511¶
ID: 511
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
512. Unknown Resource 512¶
ID: 512
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
513. Unknown Resource 513¶
ID: 513
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
514. Unknown Resource 514¶
ID: 514
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
515. Unknown Resource 515¶
ID: 515
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
516. Unknown Resource 516¶
ID: 516
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
517. Unknown Resource 517¶
ID: 517
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
518. Unknown Resource 518¶
ID: 518
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
519. Unknown Resource 519¶
ID: 519
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
520. Unknown Resource 520¶
ID: 520
Purpose: Gives gold generation on kills to certain
Lysander's Raider
and probably other units. Similar to resource 550 and 551. -
Default Values:
- 1: Default
521. Castle Gold Productivity¶
ID: 521
Purpose: Castle gold production rate multiplier.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: After Peloponnesian League researched
Note: The amount of gold obtained from owning
number of Castles is given byn * castle_gold_productivity * 0.33333
522. Unknown Resource 522¶
ID: 522
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
523. Unknown Resource 523¶
ID: 523
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
524. Unknown Resource 524¶
ID: 524
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
525. Unknown Resource 525¶
ID: 525
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
526. Unknown Resource 526¶
ID: 526
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
527. Unknown Resource 527¶
ID: 527
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
528. Unknown Resource 528¶
ID: 528
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
529. Unknown Resource 529¶
ID: 529
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
530. Unknown Resource 530¶
ID: 530
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
531. Unknown Resource 531¶
ID: 531
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
532. Unknown Resource 532¶
ID: 532
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
533. Unknown Resource 533¶
ID: 533
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
534. Unknown Resource 534¶
ID: 534
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
535. Unknown Resource 535¶
ID: 535
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
536. Unknown Resource 536¶
ID: 536
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
537. Unknown Resource 537¶
ID: 537
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
538. Unknown Resource 538¶
ID: 538
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
539. Unknown Resource 539¶
ID: 539
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
540. Unknown Resource 540¶
ID: 540
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
541. Unknown Resource 541¶
ID: 541
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
542. Unknown Resource 542¶
ID: 542
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
543. Unknown Resource 543¶
ID: 543
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
544. Unknown Resource 544¶
ID: 544
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
545. Unknown Resource 545¶
ID: 545
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
546. Unknown Resource 546¶
ID: 546
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
547. Unknown Resource 547¶
ID: 547
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
548. Unknown Resource 548¶
ID: 548
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
549. Unknown Resource 549¶
ID: 549
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
550. Unknown Resource 550¶
ID: 550
Purpose: Gives gold generation on kills to certain
Lysander's Raider
,Camel Raider
and probably other units. Similar to resource 520 and 551. -
Default Values:
- 1: Default
551. Unit Loot Productivity¶
ID: 551
Purpose: Gain gold per unit killed.
Default Values:
- 0: Default
- 1: After Military Policy activated
Note: The amount of gold obtained from killing number of units
isu * unit_loot_productivity * 3
. Unlike resources 520 and 550 works on most units. Look at A.G.E. for units with 154 loot class task.
552. Unknown Resource 552¶
ID: 552
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
553. Unknown Resource 553¶
ID: 553
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
554. Unknown Resource 554¶
ID: 554
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
555. Unknown Resource 555¶
ID: 555
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
556. Unknown Resource 556¶
ID: 556
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
557. Unknown Resource 557¶
ID: 557
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
558. Unknown Resource 558¶
ID: 558
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
559. Unknown Resource 559¶
ID: 559
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
560. Unknown Resource 560¶
ID: 560
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
561. Unknown Resource 561¶
ID: 561
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
562. Unknown Resource 562¶
ID: 562
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
563. Unknown Resource 563¶
ID: 563
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
564. Unknown Resource 564¶
ID: 564
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
565. Unknown Resource 565¶
ID: 565
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
566. Unknown Resource 566¶
ID: 566
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
567. Unknown Resource 567¶
ID: 567
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
568. Unknown Resource 568¶
ID: 568
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
569. Unknown Resource 569¶
ID: 569
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
570. Unknown Resource 570¶
ID: 570
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
571. Unknown Resource 571¶
ID: 571
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
572. Unknown Resource 572¶
ID: 572
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
573. Unknown Resource 573¶
ID: 573
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
574. Unknown Resource 574¶
ID: 574
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
575. Unknown Resource 575¶
ID: 575
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
576. Unknown Resource 576¶
ID: 576
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
577. Unknown Resource 577¶
ID: 577
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
578. Unknown Resource 578¶
ID: 578
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
579. Unknown Resource 579¶
ID: 579
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
580. Unknown Resource 580¶
ID: 580
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
581. Unknown Resource 581¶
ID: 581
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
582. Unknown Resource 582¶
ID: 582
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
583. Unknown Resource 583¶
ID: 583
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
584. Unknown Resource 584¶
ID: 584
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
585. Unknown Resource 585¶
ID: 585
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
586. Unknown Resource 586¶
ID: 586
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
587. Unknown Resource 587¶
ID: 587
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
588. Unknown Resource 588¶
ID: 588
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
589. Unknown Resource 589¶
ID: 589
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
590. Unknown Resource 590¶
ID: 590
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
591. Unknown Resource 591¶
ID: 591
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
592. Unknown Resource 592¶
ID: 592
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
593. Unknown Resource 593¶
ID: 593
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
594. Unknown Resource 594¶
ID: 594
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
595. Unknown Resource 595¶
ID: 595
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
596. Unknown Resource 596¶
ID: 596
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
597. Unknown Resource 597¶
ID: 597
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
598. Unknown Resource 598¶
ID: 598
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
599. Unknown Resource 599¶
ID: 599
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?
600. Unknown Resource 600¶
ID: 600
Purpose: Unknown... What does this resource do?